Two Mysterious Beings...

The goddess of souls looked not like one would expect..

She appeared as a white, phantom-like silhouette, a glowing representation of a human body.

One glance at her, and it was clear she was otherworldly, ethereal. Her hair was a radiant white, cascading down her shoulders, and her figure was undeniably feminine and alluring, with curves that would have captivated any man's attention.

But her body was grotesquely corroded.

The effects of Leon's yang qi were evident, her once flawless form now marred and pitted as if dipped in acid.

The divine beauty she once possessed was still apparent, but it was overshadowed by the ravages of the attack. The sight of her corroded, pain-wracked body, despite its enticing curves, would repulse rather than attract.

Her voice, filled with unrestrained rage, echoed through the space. "I'll kill you two!"