Nights are more Dangerous...

Leon emerged from the portal and found himself back in the forest where he had first entered the dungeon.

The system have been silent ever since it made its appearance, when Leon called, it remained silent. there was no longer any restriction placed on it, so Leon was sure that they were just snubbing him.

The cool night air greeted him, and he glanced up, noticing the moon high in the sky. Though it was night, his powerful eyesight made everything as clear as day.

The sharpness of his vision could easily distinguish every detail in the darkness, but the presence of the moon, unmistakably different from the sun, was the only clear indication that it was nighttime.

As he scanned his surroundings, his attention was drawn to a pair of glowing eyes watching him from the branch of a nearby tree. The eyes, shining like twin embers, were predatory and calculating. Leon's gaze sharpened as he focused on the creature.