Vetrov—an underworld dynasty

New York.

Inside a luxurious sedan. 

''Miss Vetrov keeps calling again and again. I can't hold her off anymore,'' the woman sitting in the driver's seat held a phone in her hand as she panicked. 

She turned around to look at the person who was sitting in the back passenger seat but her vision was blocked by the back of a file. 

''Miss,'' the woman almost cried out. 

The voice call was disconnected and she immediately put the phone down but before she could catch a relieved breath, a video call popped up on the screen. 

A soft sigh was heard from the behind the file and a delicate hand reached out towards the woman, ''Kate, you have become more and more incompetent lately.'' 

Kate wiped off her sweat as soon as the woman took the phone from her hand. She leaned back on the seat and looked at her Boss who was as beautiful as a rose. 

Leona Vetrov. The young heiress of the prominent Vetrov family, not only an unparalleled business empire but also an enigmatic underworld dynasty. 

Dressed in a bold red business suit, Leona's face was bare of any makeup. She had barely slept before she got an emergency notification regarding business and had to come out again. But her face was suffused with a glow, her onyx eyes were alert, tracing their surroundings every once in a while and her long black hair was tied up in a high ponytail. The woman had an indifferent expression on her face but the moment she answered the call, her expression changed and she flashed a bright smile at the person on the video call. 

''Lana~" Leona called out sweetly. 

''Don't act cute now,'' The woman on the other side spoke up, ''When I opened my eyes and looked for you, the servants informed me that you left the mansion around 5 am and last night when you came back just around 3 am. When will you get some rest, lyubov? You need to take care of yourself.'' 

Kate watched as Leona did not interrupt the woman even once as she was being reprimanded. Not many people had the nerve to reprimand Leona in this manner but this person was different. 

Svetlana Vetrov was Leona's biological aunt who not only loved her dearly but also the closest and dearest to Leona. 

''I had just closed my eyes to sleep but there were issue with Golden Globe…'' 

''That shopping precinct that you have recently acquired?" Svetlana questioned.

Leona nodded, ''It's under New York State Police surveillance.'' 

''We are the Vetrovs. People who obstruct our way only have one ending,'' Svetlana's tone seemed to be dipped with ice, ''Annihilate whoever dares to disturb your sleep.'' 

Leona did not refute her Aunt's words but she did not agree with them either, ''I would not stain my hands in blood unless it is absolutely necessary. It's filthy.'' 

Svetlana paused, ''You have your own way of working but remember that it's only better if you disdain it. Don't let it be an excuse to be kind-hearted. You are a Vetrov,'' After a small pause, the woman continued speaking, ''Go attend the matters that need you but have your meals on time.'' 

After the woman hung up the call, Leona passed the phone to her secretary. 

''Shall I arrange your breakfast now?" Kate questioned. 

''Do you have to be so scared of my Aunt? She is sweet.'' 

Kate sneered, ''Only to you.''

Leona rolled her eyes, ''Let's go.'' 

The door to the sedan was opened by a muscular bodyguard and Leona stepped out as she examined the grand shopping mall in front of her. 

''Be on guard. Unless there is some dangerous situation, don't show up. Miss does not like unnecessary attention,'' After Kate instructed the security team, the men dispersed efficiently as if the whole crowd of them wasn't there in the first place, ''where do you want to visit first?" 

''Take me to the place where the rumours emerged from.'' 

One month ago, Vetrov Consortium had acquired the rights to one of the grandest shopping complex in New York and dust of the news had not even settled yet when there are rumours of unethical practices being carried out inside the place. 

''The first incident that happened involved were a single mother and her teenage daughter. The girl was inside the changing room when she suddenly screamed. The mother urged for her to open the door. When the door opened, the girl was covered in blood. Her mother panicked and started crying but the girl insisted that the blood was not hers. Then, she pointed at the roof. There was a blackout because blood had filled the ceiling lights and leaking through the gaps in between…'' As Kate finished speaking, she pointed at the store where the incident had taken place, ''It started here and consequently, there were more and more such cases. Someone said they saw a limb, flesh, and there were even people who claimed…'' 

''Claimed?" Leona looked at the woman from above her shoulder. 

''That they saw zombies,'' Kate trailed off for a moment when she saw the woman's lips twitching with impatience, ''Come on now, that's how rumours function.'' 

''Like a forest fire. All it takes it is for a dried leaf to catch fire and then burn the whole forest down,'' Leona gazed forward at the store that was sealed. 

Kate did not say anything. She felt like Leona's words transcended the bounds of the current situation and seemed to be indicating something else but she could not put a finger on what. 

''The place was supposed to be under police surveillance but I don't see a single officer here.'' 

Kate followed her gaze and checked her surroundings. For a shopping mall that should be hustling and bustling with general public, the place was already quite desolated with not a lot of people in the vicinity. Only tourists could be seen roaming around in the stores that were open to visitors, ''From the report I had received, they had sealed the place two days ago. Although public was allowed in the vicinity but there were plenty of restriction and inspection,'' Kate shook her head, ''Surprisingly there is not a single officer or no blocked off places…'' she trailed off.