An ominous place

Leona's brow raised slightly.

Kate looked at the woman, ''It should be your Aunt. She was talking to you like she did not know but the moment the servants told her that you had left the mansion, she should have known that you would be coming here to address this issue so she vacated the place for you. You know how much she worries about you so this is not surprising at all.'' 

Leona nodded, ''On our way back, prepare her favourite flowers. I need to thank her properly,'' Although she was not highly concerned about the police officers but it would nevertheless have been been a hassle if she had to deal with them. 

Kate wiped her sweat. Prepare her favourite flowers? She could have prepared an elaborate bouquet of death flowers if they did not exclusively grow in hell. 

At this moment, Leona had stepped inside the store. 

''Hey, who are you? Stop right there,'' A tall man rushed towards her with large strides. 

Leona halted in her tracks and raised her chin to look at the person who was blocking her way. 

''Who gave you to permission to enter?'' the man trailed off when he noticed her designer outfit and the sparkling rubies that adorned her ears, shaped like two teardrops. Recognizing the limited edition things, his tone took an undisguised shift, ''Miss, since you are a special guest, I don't want to lie to you. I am the manager of this store but I advise you against going inside it.'' 

''Oh?" Leona smiled. 

To Kate who had followed her, that smile gave her goosebumps. She had spent a huge part of her life by Leona's side, just enough to claim that she was the person who knew a lot about her.'

Hence, she knew that smile was a red alert. 

The more her wrath, the sweeter she smiled. 

''Yes, to be honest, this place is haunted. Who knows what heinous deeds have been committed here but this place is ominous. It's not safe for a young lady like you…''

''Step aside,'' Leona calmly cut the man's words off. 

The man's expressions changed when his attempts to dissuade her failed, ''You…'' 

His eyes widened and breathing stopped when he looked at the metal head that was pointed at his torso. 

''Do I need to repeat myself?" The woman smiled just like the first time as she questioned him. 

But this time, she no longer looked purely beautiful like before. The manager's hair stood at the end as he trembled, ''Y-You, a-aren't you scared that I would report you? There are officers outside.'' 

Leona burst into a peal of laughter, the sound of her laugh was like the ring of sonorous bells but nobody present in the vicinity found the sound soothing to ears, ''Officer who?" she uttered when she stopped speaking. 

The man looked behind and it was only then did he realize that there were no officers in sight. The people who had been guarding the vicinity were not around, ''Y-You… Who are you…?'' the man retreated a few steps back. As if he had found himself a new hope, he suddenly pointed at the cameras in the corners of the store, ''There are cameras. I will file a case… You…'' 






With continuous shots, Leona shattered every camera that could capture them from any angles and lazily pointed her gun back to the man. Her head tilted slightly to the side as she looked at the man in confusion, ''Cameras, where?" she uttered softly. 

The man's face had long turned a deathly shade of white, ''Let me go… let me go….'' 

''Wrong answer.'' 

The man panicked at her words and the movement of her wrist as she twirled the gun in her hand. He tried to remember what the question was, feeling like he did not have a lot of chances left. 

'Step aside' 

Her words from earlier reverberated in his ears and he dropped to the floor, feeling a weakness in his knees, never having seen death up so close. 

As he crawled to the side on the floor, Leona stepped past him nonchalantly and examined the darkened store. 

''Do you want me to deal with the store manager?" Kate asked skeptically as she looked at the man who was crawling and trying to escape. 

''Why dirty your hands when words can kill all the same?" Leona whispered as she squatted near a clothing rack and touched the wall behind it lightly. 

''What happened?" 

When Leona retracted her hand from the spot, there were fresh bloodstains on her fingers.

Kate was stunned, ''This…'' 

''Take me to the place right above this.'' 

''Sure,'' Kate zoomed in on the locations in her phone, ''I got it,'' While she led Leona to the floor above, she called the head of the bodyguard. Without even Leona having to tell her, she knew that the situation was more complicated than it seemed. 

When they reached the floor above, Kate had already started rushing in the location of the place situated right above that clothing store when she noticed something amiss. When she turned around, she realized that Leona had stopped at a distance. 

The woman was looking at an advertisement being displayed in front of one of the most high-end perfume brand. 

When Kate looked at the handsome man who was sported inside the ad, her face stiffened. She suddenly did not know how to handle the situation. 

''Does the brand lack models?" Leona asked softly after looking at the picture for a long time. 

Kate opened her mouth to say something but in the end, she sighed and remained silent. 

''Contact the headquarters…'' 

Kate interrupted the woman before things could go out of control, ''Even though the model for this ad is your ex-husband but does it matter anymore? The both of you have parted ways long ago.'' 

Leona turned to her and smiled, ''Sure, we did. But I happen to own this place and what doesn't suit my eyes won't stay in my sight. Contact the headquarters of this brand and ask them to get this store closed lest their brand is closed.'' 

Kate nodded, ''Yes, on it,'' she quickly took out her phone and typed a text before leading the way. 

''Here it is.''