Son of your daddy's friend


"Miss, the master is back... But he came back with a stranger this time.''

The servant carefully looked at the little girl's reflection in the mirror as she said that while braiding her hair. 

Leona's eyes lit up, ''Daddy is back...'' 

''Yes, you were upset for nothing. I told you that Master would never miss out on your birthday.'' 

''She is right. No matter how busy your father is, he would never miss out on the day when his little princess is turning 7,'' a gentle voice came from outside. 

And when she heard the voice, Leona jumped down the golden chair and rushed towards the door, a wide smile stretched across her face as she looked at the beautiful woman, ''Mommy,'' she hugged her thighs. 

The woman hugged her daughter, ''The guests are here and they all are waiting for you. Now that your daddy is here, are you still going to sit here while making a face like that of a pufferfish?" 

Leona pouted but that did not diminish the glow in her eyes. 

''Then quickly get ready and be there.'' 

As the woman turned to leave, Leona remembered something, ''Daddy came back with someone?" she suddenly remembered what the maid had said. 

The woman paused in her tracks, ''Yes, you haven't met him before but he is the son of your daddy's friend. You will like him.'' 

Leona was curious about it. The son of her daddy's friend? Since her father had disappeared for the whole day on her birthday and only come back with this person, it made her more curious what he was like.

In the living room of the grand mansion, the light of the chandeliers sparkled beautifully. Every corner of the place was decorated with crystals and guests stood in groups with glasses of wines in their hand. It was not hard to see that all the people present in the room were the higher echelons of the society. 

Although it was the birthday party of a child, but it seemed more like a business event in disguise. There were beautiful women swaying their hips gracefully on the dance floor and a huge indoor fountain was situated in the centre, the water sparkling in the hues of the chandelier. One glance was enough to tell extravagant the whole arrangement was. 

''Mr. Vetrov, long time no see,'' one of the guests approached the man who had just entered the place followed by a young boy. 

But the boy was dressed in wrinkled clothes and his hair was dishevelled. With his lowered head and slightly trembling shoulders, he seemed to have been hidden by the man's powerful aura. 

Emil Vetrov, the Master of the Vetrov Family nodded at the man. 

After they exchanged a few pleasantries, the guest could not help but probe, ''What is this? We have been around here for quite some time but we have yet to see the little princess of the Vetrov family. Where is she?" 

Some of the other guests also approached the man and echoed those words. 

Leona Vetrov, as the birthday girl was just an excuse for people to strike a conversation with the current Master. 

But Emil Vetrov did not seem to mind it. His gaze traced over the servants who shivered and lowered their heads, ''I was not around so it is only natural for my little lioness to throw a tantrum...'' his words trailed off and his eyes turned towards the staircase where a trail of servants were walking and as they stepped on the stairs, the trail of a beautiful white gown appeared followed by a small figure whose eyes were tracing over the guests. 

As soon as Emil saw the little girl, a gentle smile appeared on his frigid face and he stepped towards the staircase, ''There she is, my princess!" 

The guests all followed his gaze and looked in the direction before piling praises upon Leona. 

''Little missy sure is adorable.'' 

''One look at her and I can tell that she has your aura.'' 

''My son and your daughter have similar temperaments. I have especially brought him here today so that they can befriend each other.'' 

While the discussions were going in, there was a proud glint in Emil's eyes as he approached the little girl who rushed into his arms as soon as she descended the stairs. 

''Daddy, why were you not around? I thought you would not be here today. Where did you go? I missed you...'' 

The little boy who was standing behind him slowly raised his head and looked at the girl. He could not see her face, but all he could see were her tiny hands that she had encircled around her father's legs yet they were so small that they did not reach other. The girl stood on her tiptoes and hugged her father till she was hoisted up in his arms. 

''Daddy had some matters to attend...'' 

Amidst the warm interaction, nobody noticed the young boy slowly stepping back and walking away from the crowd.