Not my impulse

Hearing Zayden's question, Svetlana's lips curved, ''It's good that you know your place just enough to ask me this question,'' she sighed as she spoke, ''Leona's case is different from her father's is what I want to say to you. She never wanted to be the heiress of the Vetrovs nor did she have any interest in family business, legal or illegal.'' 

The woman shrugged as she continued, ''But you gave her the reason. You made her hate you to the extent that she found herself a medium to vent her hatred. And I won't deny that it surely is benefitting the Vetrovs. The more ruthless she is to herself, the further powerful she becomes. But unlike my elder brother, this daughter of his has a slight flaw.'' 

Zayden's eyes darkened.

''We both know the answer to it, right?" Svetlana clicked her tongue, ''You are her flaw.''