A psychiatrist

As soon as Kate left, a silence settled in the room. 

Leona massaged her shoulders and walked towards the bed. 

Zayden followed behind her. 

Leona's lips twitched. She got up from the bed and walked towards the couch near the fireplace. 

Zayden followed her quietly. 

''You can just take a seat,'' Leona waved a hand, motioning towards the other end of the couch. 

Zayden did not sit immediately, ''Are you feeling uncomfortable?" 

''By your presence?" she looked up at him and nodded, ''Yes.'' 

''Your health, I mean,'' he sat on the other end of the couch, tilting his body to the side such that he was facing her. 

''I am good. Not dying anytime soon,'' Leona rolled her eyes.

Zayden frowned and opened his mouth to say something but looking at her rebellious face, he gulped down his words, ''If my presence bothered you so much, then you did not have to put up with me.'' 

Leona looked at him.