You are not a stranger

''Miss Davis, you are too polite,'' Leona smiled. Go, go, quickly go. 

If it was another occasion, she would have surely enjoyed this reunion with her mother's acquaintance. But right now, she had a man hiding in her closet and the tag of a patient hanging from her neck. 

She did not want to be misunderstood anymore. 

Dr. Davis looked at Leona like there was something that he wanted to say but in the end, the man got up, ''Girl, if there is anything you need my help for, feel free to call me,'' the man handed her a card. 

Leona took the card from his hand, ''Thank you,'' she naturally had a feeling that it would not be their last encounter so it was best for her to accept the card. 

As she was thinking about it, she noticed something from the corner of her eyes.

Violet, who had just taken a step forward, had halted in her tracks.