I was observing

Thinking about Roman, Leona's gaze darkened. Although she had made the conversation about the man to distract him, but she was certain he must be aware of what happened by now. 

However, coming to think of it, she did not care what he knew or what he thought about it. 

At the end of the day, she only wanted her Uncle and Aunt to not know about this matter unless they start worrying endlessly. 

And Roman would not meddle in things that did not involve him. Even if he did, some things could not be helped. So, it was pointless for her to worry about it.

''Coming to think of it, people of your family all seem like silly fools to me. Why else would they think that you are a mad woman? Can they not see your scheming nature...'' the cat's words trailed off when Leona narrowed her eyes. 

''It is not up to you to talk about my family,'' Leona tilted her head down, observing the tiny thing in front of her, ''Why don't you tell me about you?" 
