For Zade

As it looked at her, she smiled, ''If you see a snake, just kill it.'' 

''You... I am no ordinary snake. I am your great lord...'' 


''I... am just an ordinary snake,'' its eyes teared up, ''I mean no harm. And like you said, I can't go away from you because of the mysterious markings on your body. If something happens to you, then I am afraid I will not be safe as well.''

Leona leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes for a long time before she opened them. 

''Come here,'' she looked at the little thing, her voice reluctant. 

Hesitant and wary, the tiny snake slithered its way to the couch. 

''Stop there,'' she said when it was almost at a closer distance. 

It stopped obediently. 

Leona pushed herself to her feet, ''I gave it a thought and forced myself to consider it but I am afraid that my decision won't change. I don't want you anywhere around me, let alone on my body.''