Come out

'You are still a child. It's not good for you to have such symptoms. I will ask them to invite the family doctor over.' 

As she thought of it, Leona could not help but bite her handkerchief, ''He is older than me but does that make me a child? I will... I will not beat around the bush this time.'' 

''Yes... Yes...'' Kate nodded, even though deep down she agreed with Zayden's 'heart racing' analogy. It basically implied a health condition or else, why would someone's heart race in another person's presence?

As Leona looked at the flowers in front of her, her eyes grew more and more determined. 

''He can dream about getting away this time.''

''Miss, what are you planning to do?" 

Leona's eyes twinkled, ''Since I have turned 18, I am going to give these flowers to my flower and tell him that... that I like him.''
