His smile was beautiful

Entry 001

Dear future me, I have story to tell you. I was gazing out of my window, lost in thought when something caught my eye. A boy was sitting under the tree in his backyard, teaching his little sister how to crochet. I was surprised to see a boy crochet, and I couldn't help but watch him with curiosity. He was so focused on his little sister, and I could tell how much he cared about her.

As I continued to observe his handsome face filled with concentration, I noticed a frown on his forehead. He had drawn a smiley face on a handkerchief upside down! I chuckled to myself, feeling a bit bad that his sister would probably tease him about it. But then, the boy surprised me. He tilted the handkerchief upside down, revealing the perfectly drawn smiley face. I was so impressed by his resourcefulness and ability to turn a mistake into a success.

I took a moment to reflect on his positive attitude and how he didn't let a small mistake get him down. I tend to be very hard on myself when I make mistakes, so it was refreshing to see someone handle it so well. As the siblings were about to head inside their house, the boy looked up and caught me watching him. I smiled at him subconsciously, feeling a blush of embarrassment creeping up on my face.

My already broken self-confidence started to shatter when he didn't do anything for a few passing moments except for staring at me. Did he perhaps think that I was a creep? I am not sure. I was about to look away when he..

he smiled….

he smiled back at me.


his smile was beautiful.