Transfer student: Tian

Entry 002

The second day of the new academic year at school brought some surprises. After a boring first day, I was actually not expecting anything exciting, but fate had other plans.

The boy who had caught my eye with his charming smile two weeks back in his backyard, was in my class today. I learned that his name is Tian. A nice name, right?

I was excited to see him, but at the same time, I was nervous. I learned that he was a transfer student and would be studying here for the last year of high school.

Tian was a mixed-race, half Asian and half white. When I entered the classroom, I saw him sitting in the seat next to the window, which was usually mine. I was a bit late to class, and the teacher had given him my seat. I was a bit disappointed, but I didn't mind.

I let him have the best seat in the class. I took the seat in the middle row, adjacent to him. This way, I could turn around and look at him whenever I had to pick something from my bag and get some of my daily dose of sunlight as well.

Throughout the day, I couldn't help but feel nervous around Tian. I wanted to befriend him, but I was hesitant. I was afraid of embarrassing myself in front of him.

Tian made me so nervous that I was afraid I might even breathe incorrectly in front of him. I couldn't understand why he had such an effect on me, but I knew that I would find out eventually.

Today's overthinking question is, why does Tian make me nervous?