Chapter Fifteen: Get Out While You Still Can

I spent today mostly packing up everything and placing them by the front door. I was over the moon knowing that today is the official deadline for my eviction notice and I couldn't be more stoked to be getting the fuck out of this toxic hellhole. Although today was mostly spent packing up and tidying up, I was also doing a regular livestream on my TikTok whilst packing up and tidying up, but little did I know that when I handed the keys back to my now former yet still douchebag landlord, he insisted on coming up to inspect the property well before I had even left. And because I had been in and out of hospital my dumbass fell behind the cleaning so therefore the place was a fucking mess not to mention I have a fucked back (I suffer scholosis and kyphosis all through my back) so I could barely do anything but despite my back issues I still at least tried my best to keep on top of everything. I had been in and out of hospital because I ended up tearing a muscle in my ribcage and I fell and couldn't get back up due to the extent of my injury, I couldn't even volunteer because of the injury. Besides my injury to my ribcage I ended up suffering severe constipation, I also started suffering seizures. And due to the state of the place, Mr. Douchebag went off his rockers. Yelling and screaming at me, telling me that I was nothing and that I am not even a human, calling me a fucker and threatening to strangle me while using the hand gesture. All this was recorded live on my TikTok unintentionally and all my viewers on my live were commenting telling me to grab my shit and get the fuck out. At one point the douchebag had picked up my phone and threw it across the room, hitting a wall before falling to the floor (talking about my phone). Eventually I just grabbed the rest of my shit, and put Kayle (my cat) in the box (don't worry I did put air holes and she had a blanket to sit on) and raced out the door, I quickly ran down the stairs whilst being cautious of Kayle, eventually I reached the car and I hopped in the car, closed the door and we were off to my new home. I can't exactly recall where exactly in Queensland my new place was or the company it was through but all that mattered was that myself and Kayle were safe and sound. On the way to the new home we had called into the supermarket to grab some groceries. Once we finished at the supermarket we loaded the car with the groceries we bought and made our way to the new place. Upon arrival at the new place I was super eager to just get inside and check the joint out so before I unpacked my belongings and the groceries, I decided to check out my new home, especially my new room which had an ensuite. Upon entering my new room I let Kayle out of the box and closed my door while I checked the rest of the place out but the workers were pestering me to help unpack so I went and helped them before resuming my adventures of the new home. The backyard was small and average so I did not think much of it anyway, the living room and kitchen were connected. Once I completed adventuring the new home and the shopping had been unpacked and placed inside the pantry and fridge. It was now time to unpack my shit and put them in they're places. Eventually all my stuff was unpacked and set up, now I got to relax and settle into my new home.

*** If you have been reading since I began writing this book then you may be familiar with this next statement: "I am highly against SIL accommodation due to my poor experiences with them but this time I had no choice, it was this or the streets and I don't know about you but I prefer this then the streets." ***

Kayle had been hiding because of the big move and the fact that her entire environment had changed drastically and so I kept Kayle in my room for the first few days in order to slowly wean her into the new place and when I thought the time was right, I opened up my room so she could explore her new home.

Days had eventually turned into weeks and one cat had turned into three. Just when we had thought that things were going well, things started to take a turn for the worse very unexpectedly. It was early Sunday morning (around 3-4 am) I was at a babysitting job that was about thirty-forty minutes from home when I received a text from my carer's boss saying that they had evicted me and I had to get my shit including my cats and was to be out of the house by Monday. This had me stressed and to make matters even worse the carer's boss refused to assign someone to come and pick me up from where I was working so I had to find my own way back to the property. Luckily my friend came to the rescue and picked me up from work, she had brought along with her her partner and a friend of her sister's who happened to also be transgender male to female. I said my goodbyes to the kids I babysat and their mother. Because this was around Christmas time of 2020, my friend and her partner had their family over for their Christmas lunch. My My SIL accommodation tried spinning the three cats back on me when they (the carer's boss) had actually bent the rules for me (I didn't ask him to, he just did). They also tried to say I did property damage to the place which I didn't I actually tried so fucking hard to not fuck this place up but it all backfired and was thrown back in my face as if it were nothing.