Chapter Seventeen: This is Me Trying

Once the support worker arrived, my friend introduced me to her support worker before we hopped into the car and headed to the support worker's main office where we also met the support worker's boss. When at the office we made a plan of action to decide where to go from here as we had no place to live, luckily there was a place available not far from the main office where one of my other really good friends had been residing, and a bonus was that my NDIS was able to fund for me to be there. And so, the moving in began, only downside was I had to put my cats in a foster home. Before I had found somewhere else for my cats to live temporarily, I broke down into tears because my animals are like my children and not knowing where they would be situated or knowing that they were safe was extremely stressful not to mention that everything that is happening currently was unexpected and of short notice. One road I refused to go down was surrendering my cats as people had suggested that to me in the midst of everything going on. While crying itself is sad, it also brought good luck and a glimpse of hope which put my mind at ease and somewhat cheered me up and so I wiped away my tears and picked myself up and resumed packing up my belongings now knowing that my cats had someplace safe to go to. Finally, it felt like everything began to fall into place like dominoes. I then began picking up my bags and putting them in the car so they could be moved to my new home. Due to me having a lot to pack, we had to do multiple trips. In between those trips I would continue to pack to make sure that I had arranged and packed up all my belongings ready for the next trip. Several trips later... the final packs were packed, this time I'd be heading to my new place with the final load. Upon arrival, I headed to the main office where I filled out a crap load of paperwork, I am so thankful that this new accommodation was being funded for by NDIS. One of my best friends lived here also (bonus points; I am her new roomie). I also happened to see another transgender woman who was an absolute mega bitch (more on that later on). Once I had filled out and signed all the necessary paperwork, it was time to start moving my shit into my new room and start setting up my side of the room before eventually exploring my new environment. With my side of the room now all set up, it was now time to go on a little Dora the Explorer adventure of what I would be calling home for now. Whilst on my little adventure, I met some of the other residents who were very welcoming, some I shared a few darts with. Finally, it was time to end this little Dora the Explorer adventure and taste this new home's cooking which was surprisingly delicious, sometime after dinner and dessert, the staff called upon those residents who take medication which we had to head up a ramp that led to the second floor where the staff would be administering all of our medication. After taking our medication, all of us were free to do whatever we wanted. Now... this mega bitch I mentioned earlier ("you are probably wondering why I despise her so much"). Well, let's see shall we, she is a lying backstabbing thieving bitch who also told the whole residence that her and I were dating when we were not fucking dating. This bitch has SERIOUS problems, she would steal from my roommate and at times she would attempt to involve me however I didn't want any part of her devious schemes as my roommate and I were tight as I was close with her family. She ('not my roommate') would steal my best friend's loose change and would also open any of their unopened soft drink ("I know, fucking stupid, am I right"?). I just have to put up with Godzilla and learn to tolerate it. I mainly just played my Xbox 360 and tried keeping to myself, but Godzilla would always come lurching into our room ("like, she had her own fucking room yet she'd always have to lurch in our room"). And it was not like she would stay for a short while, she would stay for fucking hours, she would just talk for hours about herself and her life or she'd just watch crappy horror movies on her phone on Tubi. It was honestly so fucking boring, but I will save the best tea for the next chapter. First night, was good. I seem to have settled into my new home pretty well although I missed my kitties who I later found out Kayle was pregnant with Batwoman's kittens, when they were born, they were so cute. I had pictures of them, I would keep in close contact with my kitties' foster carer daily. Second day here, I just spent getting used to the area and my new environment and surroundings and meeting new people. And while exploring I would try so fucking hard to avoid Godzilla, because she lives here to and to keep the peace, I had to tolerate it.