Just as a moment of calm settled, angel's body stiffened with fear beside her brother, whose face retained a solemn halo, and his gaze shifted between his uncle by name and grandfather in synchrony.
The sturdy wooden cane clashed loudly against the smooth floor, as my grandfather accidentally let go, causing it to fall while his hand, busy a moment ago, extended to the wall to assist his weak body in balancing as he slid to the floor, sitting down.
"Do you want to kill our old father? You've lost your elder brother, and now you're asking me to let you take the same path," he said.
With those words, the air around us thickened, silence enveloped us as we recalled memories associated with the phrase we just heard.
I caught fleeting glances of lyes's expressions, which quickly transitioned from his stagnant state to a more intense one, as he tightened his hold around his sister with his arms, pulling her towards him, smoothing her hair. For a moment, I saw every change he underwent, yet I still struggled to understand what he was going through.
"My brother, you're hurting angel," her youthful voice sounded like a timid whisper, hesitant to disturb her drowning family members, each lost in their own thoughts. Immediately, lyes loosened the embrace he enveloped her in and let her stand on tiptoes, heading towards her room, with him following her gaze with tenderness. After a few seconds, she returned, sitting beside him with a pillow in her hand. The strange thing about the pillow was that it was wearing one of my dresses.
"angel, my dear, did you ask for permission before touching things that don't belong to you?" My mother addressed her with a tone of tenderness, but the latter was struck with panic and rushed to protect the pillow between her arms.
"I didn't, wafa doesn't love me... She doesn't love me and she'll take my little one from me."
"Why do you think that?"
"She... she never smiles at me, she's always watching me and doesn't speak... I'm scared of her," her voice began to crack with tears filling the place, and I didn't know how the situation turned to me being the center of their concern, while my mother kept trying to appease angel, almost lifting the stacked plates to the kitchen, but another hand beat me to it and headed to the sink.
Following the person who had turned their back on me, walking with determination. They placed the dishes and turned away and than immediately began washing them. When I thought I was alone, a deep sigh escaped me, followed by a sense of coldness creeping through my back...
I continued with my work, and my demeanor suggested as if nothing had happened.
"What's wrong with you?"
My eyes moved instinctively to lyes, who seemed to have been standing at the kitchen door from the start, his eyes focused on every simple action emanating from me.
I lowered my head, then nodded to him in agreement with his words.
"What has changed you to this extent?"
"I don't know."
He took a deep breath, then turned his head to glance back where the family had gathered in a conversation that couldn't seem to converge on any words. Thus, he made sure no one would overhear their conversation.
"Are you angry with me for a reason I'm unaware of?"
"I don't think so."
"Then what's with your dull expressions? I thought I was the only one you were ignoring, but apparently, my sister is receiving the same treatment. Won't you share what's bothering you?"
I continued drying the dishes with a cloth, desperately seeking words to use to justify and reverse the situation I was going through...
(My inability to express myself, what will I say?... And how will he understand my situation when I myself don't understand it? i did my research and maybe just perhaps its an illness that's called Alyxithemia )
lyes didn't move from his spot during that whole time. I felt that he deserved an answer from me, at least, so I broke the silence.
"I've told you repeatedly before. I... gradually became emotionally dull."
He wasn't convinced by my answer and turned to leave. was there disappointment in his voice that I managed to pick up from his last sentence. Or am I mistaken?
(My ability to discern is gradually diminishing... and it won't stop until it completely disappears.
when did it start I Don't know !)