Shattered Secrets

In the café,

Carla's eyes widened in shock as Emily revealed the news. "You're pregnant?" she exclaimed, almost spitting out her coffee in surprise.

"Lower your voice," Emily chided gently, passing her a napkin. Carla quickly composed herself, her curiosity piqued. "So you guys didn't use protection?" she asked incredulously.

"It was not planned," Emily replied calmly.

Carla's questions came rapid-fire, her concern evident in her voice. "What are you going to do? Are you going to keep her?" she pressed, her eyes searching Emily's face for answers.

Emily shook her head slowly. "No."

Carla's eyes widened in disbelief. "Why not?" she asked, her voice filled with confusion. "You guys have been married for so long, and everyone thinks you're a great couple."

Emily smiled faintly. "Really?" she mused.

But Carla wasn't finished. "Does Alex know?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Emily shook her head again. "No."

Carla's questions kept coming, each one more probing than the last. But Emily remained calm, her demeanour unwavering. "Olivia Winters is back," she interjected suddenly, causing Carla to gasp in shock.

Carla struggled to find words in the face of such startling news. "I thought she wouldn't come back," she finally managed to say.

Emily's response was measured. "Do you still think it's necessary to tell Alex now?" she asked quietly.

Carla was taken aback. "I thought..." she began, "If I were you, I wouldn't back down. They weren't together when she left. Now that you're married, AND pregnant, I don't believe Alex would leave you and his kid for her."

"He would," Emily replied simply, her voice devoid of emotion.

"But you don't know that for sure unless you tell him," Carla argued, her voice tinged with worry.

"If he never finds out, maybe we can still be friends after the divorce," Emily said quietly, her gaze distant.

Carla couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Emily, I know you really love him. But what's the point of being friends after a divorce and pushing him towards another woman? What about your own happiness?" she pleaded.

Before they parted, Carla spoke to Emily firmly, her words filled with conviction. "Emily, don't give up on your own happiness. Do whatever makes you happy," she urged.

Emily offered her friend a polite smile, but her heart felt heavy with uncertainty.

At the Stratton's

Emily sat at the edge of her bed, wrestling with Carla Khoury's advice echoing in her mind: "Don't give up on your own happiness." Her thumb hovered over her phone's send button as she debated whether to confess to Alex. After several revisions, she finally summoned the courage and sent the message: "I'm pregnant." A wave of relief washed over her as the message was delivered. She changed into her pyjamas and lay back, the weight on her chest lifted, but uncertainty still lingered in her mind.

Meanwhile, in the bustling confines of the Stratton building, Olivia lounged on the couch in Alex's office. The unexpected chime of a message on Alex's device snapped her attention. She glanced at the screen in disbelief, reading Emily's message: "I'm pregnant." Olivia's heart raced as she quickly devised a plan. She swiftly deleted the message from Alex's phone, ensuring there was no trace left behind. Lost in thought, she pondered Emily's intentions. Did Emily want to keep Alex for herself? Olivia's mind raced with possibilities, her emotions in turmoil.

Luckily, she had borrowed Alex's phone when she visited his office earlier. Olivia's pulse quickened at the thought of the incriminating message flashing across the screen. If Alex were to discover it, she couldn't fathom the repercussions. After a few moments, she returned the phone to Alex, her composure carefully maintained.

"Why would you agree to let me use your phone?" Olivia inquired, her tone laced with curiosity. "You never let anyone touch your phone."

"You're not just anyone," Alex responded without hesitation, his gaze steady as he met Olivia's eyes. "Olivia, you saved my life. I'll help you with whatever you need when you ask."

A faint smile graced Olivia's lips at his words, gratitude welling up within her. "Thank you, Alex," she murmured sincerely.

Olivia's mind flashed back to a pivotal moment from their childhood, etched vividly in her memory: the day a girl fearlessly saved Alex from drowning while she was at the shore witnessing it. Despite her awe and admiration for the little girl's bravery, Olivia couldn't shake the resentment that had lingered within her for years afterward. The memory cast a shadow over her thoughts as she grappled with the present situation.

Returning to the present, Olivia quietly slipped out of Alex's office, her mind still reeling from Emily's unexpected message. However, her moment of escape was short-lived as Alex's voice called out after her, questioning the deleted message. Startled, Olivia turned back to face him, her heart pounding in her chest as she scrambled for a convincing response.

With a forced smile, she replied, "Oh, that?" Her tone attempted to sound nonchalant. "Just some scam message. I deleted it for you." Olivia held her breath, hoping her explanation would satisfy his inquiry.

Alex's gaze bore into her, his expression unreadable as he considered her words. Olivia's heart raced as she waited for his response. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Alex's features softened slightly, and he nodded in acknowledgment.

"Alright, just don't do it next time," he said, his tone firm yet understanding. Olivia exhaled a silent sigh of relief, masking her inner turmoil behind a facade of composure. "Of course, Alex," she replied, her voice steady despite the tumult of emotions swirling within.

As Alex returned his focus to his work, Olivia took a moment to compose herself before slipping out of the office once more. With each step, her mind buzzed with conflicting thoughts and emotions, the weight of Emily's revelation weighing heavily on her conscience.

Emily waited anxiously throughout the day, her heart heavy with anticipation for Alex's response. But as the hours passed without a single message, her hope dwindled. The day stretched on, filled with a hollow emptiness that mirrored the ache in her chest. She had little appetite, barely managing to nibble on a few bites of food. When evening descended, she was informed that Alex was swamped with work and wouldn't be able to join her for dinner.

As Emily prepared to retire for the night, her phone suddenly came to life with a piercing ringtone. She answered, her heart pounding with anticipation when she saw it was from Alex. However, she was greeted by the familiar sound of Olivia.

"Emily," Olivia's voice broke through the silence, "Alex wanted me to let you know that he won't be coming home tonight. If you're still feeling unwell, it's best to get some rest."

Emily's breath caught in her throat as Olivia's words sank in. A wave of numbness washed over her, leaving her paralyzed with a sense of desolation. "Emily, are you there?" Olivia's voice echoed in her ears, pulling her back to the present moment.

With great effort, Emily managed to muster a feeble response, her voice barely audible. "Okay," she whispered, the word escaping her lips like a fragile sigh. As she ended the call, tears welled up in her eyes, cascading down her cheeks in silent anguish.

Emily awoke the next morning with eyes swollen from tears shed in the solitude of her sorrow. Glancing at her phone, she noticed several missed messages from Carla. With a heavy heart, she called her friend's number, seeking solace in their familiar conversation.

"Emily!" Carla's voice rang out. "Why didn't you respond to my messages last night?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Taking a deep breath, Emily braced herself for the onslaught of questions she knew would follow. "Carla, I..." her voice trailed off, the weight of her decision heavy on her tongue. "I've made a decision," she finally managed to say, her tone tinged with resignation. "I won't keep the baby," she stated, the weight of her choice pressing down on her with each syllable uttered.