Fractured Bonds

Ever since Olivia deleted the message from Alex's phone, a nagging worry had taken up residence in her mind. She reasoned that Emily's choice to convey her message through text hinted at a lack of courage to speak in person. But Olivia couldn't risk Alex stumbling upon the truth, so she orchestrated a night out with a few friends, including Alex, after he'd been held up at work late into the evening, ensuring he wouldn't come home all night. Yet, despite her efforts, insecurity still gripped her, prompting her to arrange a meeting with Emily.

Handing Emily an envelope, Olivia said, "This is for you."

Confusion clouded Emily's features. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"Emily, you're a smart girl. I don't want to spell it out for you," Olivia replied.

"But if you don't tell me, how will I know what you mean?" Emily pressed.

A flicker of unease crossed Olivia's face as she reluctantly tore open the envelope, revealing a check for ten million dollars. "Thanks for being by Alex's side these past two years," Olivia said. "This is for you and your family."

Emily met her gaze squarely and pushed the check away. "If you think it's not enough," Olivia continued.

"No," Emily interrupted, "I don't need your money."

Olivia was taken aback. What did Emily want? Did she want Alex? Olivia wondered.

"I don't need him either," Emily declared before departing.

Emily had already made her decision before meeting Olivia. She had decided to keep the baby, keeping the news to herself and refusing any financial assistance from anyone. She would raise the child alone, showering her with all the love.

At the Stratton's

Emily began packing her belongings, the sound of her movements drowned out by the return of Alex from downstairs. Ignoring his presence, she continued packing until the bedroom door swung open. She didn't bother to look up, focusing instead on packing up the night table until the footsteps halted beside her. Alex glanced around the room with confusion and asked, "What are you doing?"

Emily didn't respond verbally but handed him an envelope from the drawer. "What's this?" Alex inquired.

"The checks you gave me," Emily replied flatly. "You gave me three checks before, five million each."

"Why didn't you spend it?" Alex was puzzled.

"I don't need it," Emily said coldly. "I'll move to the guest room until Grandma's surgery. After that, I'll leave once we finalize the divorce paperwork."

"Why in such a rush?" Alex questioned, noticing the sadness in Emily's eyes. "Is it because you went out for lunch at work with Marsan?"

Emily met Alex's gaze with disbelief. Aaron Marsan, the finance director of UrbanNestech and one of their friends since high school, had been working closely with her on a commercial real estate project for months. "You know there's only work between me and Aaron. And when did you start caring who I have lunch with at work?"

"Like I expected, the two years of marriage mean nothing to you. You can just leave like this," Alex accused.

"Alex!" Emily called out, "It was you who wanted a divorce."

"Isn't that what you wanted too?" Alex retorted. "So you can just leave as soon as you can."

If Emily didn't know how Alex felt about Olivia, she might have mistaken his jealousy for her lunch with Aaron alone as something else. But she knew better; it was just Alex's fear of losing control that upset him. Emily remained silent, her hands still busy with packing, which only fueled Alex's anger further.

"So I was right. This is what you want, and you've been waiting for me to bring it up, so I can be the bad one," Alex accused.

Emily couldn't bear his accusations any longer and looked up. "What do you mean? Are you saying you don't want a divorce?" She continued, "Our marriage was what Grandma wanted. You asked me to be part of this plan and act my part, which I did."

Alex's face darkened with anger. "So the past two years were just pretending?" he asked bitterly.

"Aren't we both?" Emily replied.

The frustration surged through Alex. "If you move to the guest bedroom, the maids will notice."

"We're getting a divorce soon; they'll find out eventually."

"What about Grandma?" Alex pressed.

"What about her?" Emily countered. "She won't find out."

"You don't think Margaret talked to her about us during her visit to the hospital?" Alex challenged.

Emily paused her packing, contemplating for a moment. "If that's the case, I'll wait until her surgery is done."

"If you don't want to see me, just say so. I'll leave," Alex declared, storming out of the room.

In the club,

Alex sat at the booth with Eric Glorden and Michael McCallen, surrounded by shot glasses, vodka bottles nestled in an ice bucket, and empty beer bottles strewn across the table. Alex continued to drink, one shot after another, while Eric and Michael observed, exchanging concerned glances. It was clear they had never seen him like this before. Sensing Alex's increasing intoxication as he slouched back into the booth, Eric and Michael decided it was time to leave.

"Time to go home, Stratton," Eric said, patting Alex on the shoulder. "Call your driver for the ride."

"No," slurred Alex, too drunk to even keep his eyes open to unlock his phone.

"We can call his wife instead," Michael suggested to Eric.

"Emily Johnson?" Eric sounded surprised.

"Yes, they obviously had a fight. She can take him home," Michael replied, picking up Alex's phone to unlock it using his thumbprint and quickly called Emily's number.

Emily was jolted awake by the persistent vibration of her phone, illuminating the darkness of her bedroom. She hesitated before answering, recognizing the caller ID as Alex's. At this hour, she already had a sinking feeling about who he might be with. She didn't want to hear Olivia's voice through her husband's phone late at night. Reluctantly, she answered, bracing herself for an encounter she wasn't prepared for.

"Emily," a man's voice, not Alex's, greeted her. "It's Michael McCallen. Alex has had a bit too much to drink tonight. Can you come to pick him up?"

Emily was taken aback for a moment. Nonetheless, she managed to compose herself and replied affirmatively. Without disturbing anyone else in the house, she quietly made her way to the garage, slipped into her car, and drove to the club.

As Emily pulled into the club, she noticed some familiar faces at the door. Both Eric Glorden and Michael McCallen were supporting Alex by the arms, but alongside them stood Olivia Winters. Emily's heart sank at the sight of Olivia. She watched as Olivia attempted to take Alex from Michael's grasp and guide him toward her car, which was conveniently parked right in front of hers.

Without a word, Emily made a quick decision. She turned the steering wheel and quietly drove away, not wanting to get involved in the unfolding drama.

As Emily left the club, Alex suddenly pushed Olivia away as she tried to guide him into the back of her car. Olivia was stunned by Alex's unexpected action, and the air grew heavy with awkwardness. Michael swiftly intervened, taking Alex back into his care.

"I'll take him instead. I saw my ride there," Michael said, his voice breaking the tense silence.

Still processing Alex's subconscious rejection, Olivia quickly nodded, her shock evident on her face. She stepped back, allowing Michael to lead Alex away, while Emily drove off into the night, leaving behind the uncomfortable scene at the club.