Family Matters

The following morning, Emily stared at her weary reflection in the bathroom mirror, her face pale and dark circles haunting her eyes. Sleep eluded her throughout the night, her thoughts consumed by her grandmother's surgery, the impending divorce, and the weight of her unborn child. She attempted to conceal her exhaustion with makeup, but it was a futile effort. As her phone chimed with a message, instructing her to meet in the garage, Emily descended the stairs, greeted by the housekeeper, Margaret, who offered breakfast. Politely declining, Emily made her way to the garage, leaving Margaret puzzled by the strained atmosphere between Mr. and Mrs. Stratton. 

Emily settled into the plush leather seats of the car, her mind still swirling with a cacophony of worries. She stole a glance at Alex sitting beside her. His expression was unreadable, as it often was these days. 

The drive to the lawyer's office was silent, save for the hum of the engine and the occasional honk of a car horn from the bustling city streets outside. 

As they pulled up to the lawyer's office, Alex's phone rang, and Emily observed the subtle shift in his expression, sensing a mix of worry and anger. "Is it from the hospital? Is it about Grandma?" she asked, her own concern rising. 

Alex redirected the driver towards the hospital and responded tersely, "She fainted this morning. They think it's due to high blood pressure." 

Emily felt a wave of guilt wash over her. "Sorry, we should have gone to the hospital first," she muttered, her voice laden with regret. 

Alex remained silent, his anger palpable. After a tense pause, he noticed tears glistening in Emily's eyes and attempted to offer reassurance, albeit in a cold tone. "The doctor said she's stable. She's probably just nervous for the surgery today." 

Emily nodded, her mind still reeling with concern for her grandmother. "Are they going to postpone the surgery?" she inquired, her voice trembling slightly. 

"Probably," Alex replied curtly. 

Emily's thoughts momentarily strayed from the divorce proceedings until Alex interjected, "The lawyer's appointment will need to be rescheduled." 

Looking up to meet Alex's gaze, Emily stated, "I can wait as long as you're okay with it." 

"Why wouldn't I be?" he questioned, his frustration evident. 

"How would I know?" she replied, a hint of exasperation in her voice.

At Harbourview Medical center,

Emily rushed to Mrs. Stratton's bedside and gently took her hand. "Sorry we're late, Grandma. How are you feeling?" she asked, her voice filled with concern. 

Mrs. Stratton smiled weakly and patted Emily's hand. "I'm fine, my dear. There's nothing to worry about," she reassured, casting a glance at Alex before focusing back on Emily. "You look tired. Didn't sleep well last night?" 

Emily shook her head, guilt weighing heavily on her. "I should have stayed with you last night..." she murmured. 

Grandma gently stroked her hair. "Don't worry, kiddo. I'm fine," she said reassuringly.

Alex stood silently by the end of the bed, his gaze drifting back to memories of their shared past. He remembered Emily's childhood, marked by the absence of her mother, and how Grandma had stepped in as a maternal figure. Emily had sought solace and guidance from Grandma, confiding in her about school and girlhood experiences. It had been a routine for Emily to visit their house after school, pouring her heart out to Grandma, who always listened with unwavering patience and love.

Just then, the doctor entered the room and delivered the news that the surgery would need to be postponed. Mrs. Stratton expressed a resigned acceptance, remarking, "I'm getting old. It doesn't really matter to me whether I'll have the surgery or not." 

Emily's response was immediate and urgent. "Of course it does! You'll get better after the surgery and stay with us for a long, long time," she insisted, offering her grandmother a hopeful smile. "Would you like to come home with us, Grandma? I can take care of you."

But Mrs. Stratton shook her head slightly, her gaze settling on Alex. "No, I don't want to bother the two of you," she said firmly, a hint of frustration in her voice. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable at home with me being there." 

Emily quickly reassured her, "No, not at all."

"The nurses will take care of me here," Grandma reiterated, her decision unchanged. "I'm going to get some rest," she added, signalling the end of the discussion. 

Emily lowered the bed for her grandmother and then stood up, taking Alex's arm as they left the room. 

In the hallway, she released his arm with a sigh. "I don't think Grandma likes staying here. She seems frustrated and unhappy."

"Her frustrations are towards me, not you, if you haven't noticed," Alex remarked matter-of-factly. Emily paused, considering his words, finding a grain of truth in them.

"Alex," she began tentatively, "can we take Grandma home?"

"Sure, if she wants to," Alex replied, his voice softer now.

"Of course she does!" Emily exclaimed, a spark of excitement in her voice. "Let's take her home today."

They returned to Mrs. Stratton's room to find her solitary figure gazing out the window. "Grandma," Emily called out with excitement, "we're taking you home today."

After arranging for one of the caregivers to help pack Grandma's belongings, Emily quickly made plans to return home and prepare a room for her. She grasped onto Alex's arm and hurried him towards the car, a sense of urgency driving her movements. Alex raised an eyebrow at her sudden determination but remained silent as they entered the car.

Once seated, Alex broke the silence. "You can call Margaret to get the room cleaned up first," he suggested, his tone neutral. 

"Sure," Emily responded cheerfully, her mind already racing with logistics. "Let's find a room for Grandma on the main floor," she suggested, seeking Alex's agreement, which he nodded to.

Suddenly, Emily veered the conversation into unexpected territory. "Are you disappointed?" she asked out of the blue, catching Alex off guard. He furrowed his brow in confusion, prompting Emily to elaborate. "Our divorce will be postponed now that the surgery needs to be rescheduled."

Alex clenched his jaw, his response clipped. "It doesn't bother me. I'm not in a rush to get it done," he stated flatly. 

Emily accepted his answer, but her curiosity got the better of her. "Are you sure? What are you going to tell Olivia Winters?" she pressed, her tone slightly probing.

"That's none of your business," Alex shot back tersely, his patience wearing thin. 

Emily pursed her lips, acknowledging the rebuff. "Yep, you're right. None of my business," 

Just then, Alex's phone rang. It was from Olivia Winters, inquiring about Mrs. Stratton's surgery.

"The surgery is postponed," Alex replied in a cold tone. "She is fine, nothing to worry about."

Emily tuned out from their conversation, her thoughts swirling with a mixture of emotions. None of my business, she reminded herself.

As they pulled into the driveway, Emily flung open the car door and stormed out, her emotions raw. Margaret greeted her at the door, but her shock was palpable as she witnessed the tension between Emily and Alex. Just moments ago, Emily had called with cheerful instructions to prepare a guest room for Grandma, but now they returned home in a tense silence, leaving Margaret bewildered by the sudden shift in atmosphere.