Expect the Unexpected

A few hours later, at the medical center, the elderly Mrs. Stratton experienced a mix of emotions as she prepared to leave. Relief washed over her at the thought of departing the sterile confines of the medical center to return home to her grandchildren. Yet, underlying that relief was a twinge of guilt; she didn't want to burden Emily and Alex with unnecessary troubles. She feared that her presence might inadvertently strain their marriage if Emily focused too much attention on her.

Her contemplation was interrupted by the caregiver's voice. "Mrs. Stratton, you're all packed, and they're here to pick you up." Turning away from the window and the garden beyond, Mrs. Stratton spotted Emily and Alex standing at the door.

"Grandma," Emily called warmly as she approached, guiding her towards the wheelchair. Emily expressed her gratitude to the caregiver before turning to Alex. "Go get Grandma's luggage to the car," Emily instructed. Alex blinked in mild surprise but complied, swiftly taking the luggage from the caregiver.

As they exited the medical center, Alex trailed behind Emily and Mrs. Stratton, listening to their conversation. He couldn't help but notice the happiness emanating from both of them, and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

In the car, Mrs. Stratton gazed out at the city lights and buildings dotting the dark night, a sense of contentment washing over her. 

Emily noticed her grandmother's expression and couldn't help but empathize. Even in the most luxurious room at the medical center, being alone for too long can be depressing, she pondered silently.

Taking Mrs. Stratton's arm, Emily suggested, "Grandma, maybe we can go shopping together tomorrow." 

Mrs. Stratton's surprise was evident as she asked, "Are you sure I can go out shopping with you?"

 Emily nodded enthusiastically, adding, "The doctor told me an hour or two outside is okay."

 Mrs. Stratton beamed with delight, her spirits lifted by the prospect.

Meanwhile, Alex anticipated that the joyful atmosphere would carry on into the night as he maneuvered the car into the driveway. However, his attention was drawn to a figure standing at the entrance of the driveway. In the dim glow of the streetlights, he could make out the silhouette of a girl. She stood there, clad in a flowing white dress, her figure delicate and ethereal. Long strands of hair cascaded down her back, swaying gently in the night breeze.

As the car drew closer, the light illuminated the figure, and Emily recognized her as Olivia Winters. A surge of nerves shot through Emily as she realized the Elderly Mrs. Stratton was also in the car. 

"Who is that girl standing there? She looks familiar," Mrs. Stratton inquired, her tone curious.

 Emily's heart skipped a beat, unsure how to respond. She glanced at Alex through the rearview mirror.

As Alex halted the car, Olivia leaned over to knock on the passenger-side window. Rolling it down, Alex faced Olivia, who greeted him in her soft, sweet voice. "Alex, you're back. How's Grandma?" Olivia's gaze then drifted to the back seat, where she was surprised to find the Elderly Mrs. Stratton sitting with Emily. Confusion flickered across Olivia's face as she wondered why Mrs. Stratton was there.

Emily felt a knot form in her stomach as she tried to explain. "Don't you remember her, Grandma? Her name is Olivia Winters. She saved Alex when we were kids." 

Mrs. Stratton's memory jogged, and she recognized Olivia. "Oh, it's you, Olivia. I haven't seen you for so long, I couldn't even recognize you," Mrs. Stratton remarked warmly. "Emily told me about you coming back from the UK. I didn't think we'd meet so soon," she said, a note of pleasant surprise in her voice. 

Olivia exchanged a mixed stare with Emily, seemingly about to say something before being interrupted by Alex's firm command. "Get in the car, it's cold outside," he insisted, noticing the chill of the late summer night.

Olivia, dressed in a summery sweetheart-neckline dress with an open back, shivered slightly in the night breeze. "It's too late, I should go home. I just wanted to check on how Grandma is doing," she explained, her voice tinged with disappointment.

"It's not that late. Grandma will be staying with us. Come on inside. I'll ask the driver to get you home later," Emily spoke softly, extending an invitation to Olivia to join them at their house. After a moment's consideration, Olivia accepted, saying, "Thank you, Emily."

Olivia moved to sit with them in the back seat, engaging warmly with the elderly Mrs. Stratton as they pulled into the garage. Margaret and the maids awaited them at the door, ready with a wheelchair. As they exited the car, Olivia followed Alex and Emily into their house. The maids, taken aback by Olivia's presence, exchanged glances but quickly composed themselves to warmly welcome Mrs. Stratton home.

Standing beside the elderly Mrs. Stratton, Emily noticed a broad smile spreading across her face, which in turn brought a smile to her own lips. Alex's expression softened as he looked at Emily and Grandma, a moment of warmth amidst the tension. Meanwhile, Olivia's gaze fixed on Alex, her frustration and anger palpable.

After dinner and a day filled with emotional ups and downs, the elderly Mrs. Stratton felt drained. As she prepared to retire to her room, she turned to Olivia and offered, "Olivia, it's late now. Would you like to stay for the night?" 

Olivia's thoughts were in turmoil, but upon hearing her name from Mrs. Stratton, she quickly shook her head. "No, it's okay, Mrs. Stratton."

"Why not?" Mrs. Stratton persisted gently. "There are quite a few guest rooms, and Emily can ask the maids to get one ready for you."

Hearing this, Olivia hesitated. Deep down, she wanted to stay, hoping to be closer to Alex. Reluctantly, she relented. "Alright, Mrs. Stratton. Thank you."

Emily caught Margaret's eye and murmured softly, "Margaret, please get a guest room ready for Miss Winters." Margaret nodded in acknowledgment, though her expression hinted at some reluctance. Meanwhile, Alex remained silent, his thoughts veiled behind a stoic facade.

After the elderly Mrs. Stratton left for her room, the maids quietly slipped out of the dining room to begin tidying up for the night.

Olivia turned to Alex, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Alex, are you sure it's okay for me to stay here?" His response was flat and emotionless. "Yes, it's fine."

Turning her attention to Emily, Olivia pressed on, "Emily, are you sure you're okay with me staying here?" 

Emily felt a surge of frustration at Olivia's facade of politeness. Even if she didn't want Olivia to stay, Emily couldn't refuse in front of Mrs. Stratton and Alex. "I'm glad you're staying with us tonight," Emily replied, her tone strained. She lifted her chin to meet Olivia's gaze directly and added, "Do you need me to switch rooms with you later tonight?"

Alex's expression darkened with anger at Emily's suggestion, his gaze piercing. Olivia, caught off guard, stammered, "What do you mean?"

"I meant what I just said," Emily retorted firmly. "If you think about it, you'll understand." With that, she stood up and continued, "If you need me to, let me know." Without waiting for a response, Emily left for upstairs, leaving a tense atmosphere lingering in the room.

Olivia turned to Alex as he watched Emily leave. "Alex, sorry, I didn't know Emily would be mad. I should go home," she apologized, already starting to rise from her seat. 

But Alex reached out and held her elbow as she passed him. "Grandma asked you to stay, so stay for the night," he stated firmly.

"But..." Olivia began, but her protest was cut short by Margaret's interruption. 

"Mr. Stratton, Miss Winters' room is ready," Margaret announced. 

Olivia was taken aback; it had only been a few minutes since Margaret left, so how could the room be prepared so quickly? They must have rushed it and didn't treat her seriously, Olivia thought to herself. 

"You can go with Margaret to your room now. It's late; get some rest," Alex instructed, his tone cold as he turned to leave for upstairs. 

"Alex..." Olivia called after him, but he didn't pause, leaving without a moment's hesitation.

Upstairs in the bathroom, as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror, a smug satisfaction washed over Emily. The memory of Alex and Olivia's expressions downstairs fuelled her resolve. If Olivia wanted to maintain her facade, then Emily could play the game just as convincingly, she mused silently to herself.

Suddenly, the bathroom door burst open, catching Emily off guard. She turned around to find Alex stride in. Emily frowned slightly as Alex drew nearer. 

His once bright blue eyes took on a deeper, more intense shade as he spoke icily, "What you said down there, what do you mean?"

Emily replied carelessly, "What else could it mean? To make it easier for you two." 

Upon hearing this, Alex's expression grew even darker, and he leaned in closer to Emily. 

Instinctively, Emily pushed him on the chest to stop him from getting closer and said, "Excuse me, I'm done here."

However, Alex remained rooted in place. Emily tried to slip past him on his left side, but he shifted his body to block her path. 

Exhaling heavily, she asked, "What do you want?" Raising her chin to meet Alex's gaze, she persisted, "Just leave me alone and go to..." 

Before she could finish her sentence, Alex abruptly seized both of her shoulders and forcefully pinned her against the cold bathroom wall.

Emily felt the coldness of the bathroom wall seep through her robe as Alex's hands remained firm on her shoulders, rendering her immobile. Despite her attempts to wiggle free, she couldn't budge. Breathing heavily, she locked eyes with Alex and demanded, "What are you doing? Let me go!"

Alex returned her gaze with a darkened intensity. The bathroom light cast a shimmer upon Emily's bright brown eyes, making them glimmer like stars in the midnight sky. Her soft lips appeared alluringly radiant. However, remembering her earlier words, Alex lowered his body, pressing against her lips to stifle any more of her harsh comments.