Morning Sickness

The next morning, when Emily woke up, she found the other half of the bed empty already. Rolling over, she checked her phone and saw that it was almost 9 am. Frowning at having slept in, she hurried downstairs to find everyone already at breakfast.

Olivia sat beside the elderly Mrs. Stratton, assisting her with refilling her tea. Though Emily felt a twinge of discomfort, the thought of Olivia eventually taking care of Grandma after her divorce from Alex brought a sense of relief.

Approaching the table, Mrs. Stratton waved at Emily. "Emily, you're up. Come have some breakfast." 

Emily greeted her grandmother with a smile, "Good morning, Grandma. How was your sleep last night?"

"Maybe it's because it's the first night back, I didn't get much sleep," Mrs. Stratton replied.

 Concerned, Emily suggested, "Maybe after breakfast, you can go back for a little nap."

"Don't worry," the elderly Mrs. Stratton assured her. "I'm okay right now. I'll go for a nap when I'm tired." 

Meanwhile, Alex sat silently, his eyes never leaving Emily since she came downstairs. However, Emily avoided looking his way as if he didn't exist.

As Emily sat down, a maid served her a bowl of seafood porridge, which puzzled her as she usually had orange juice instead of coffee lately due to her pregnancy. 

Mrs. Stratton commented, "You barely ate anything these days. I asked them to prepare something healthier for breakfast."

"Thank you, Grandma," Emily replied and took a spoonful of porridge. 

Just as Emily was about to swallow, a sudden wave of nausea washed over her, catching her off guard. Hastily covering her mouth, she left the spoon resting on the table, her movements abrupt and startling. The room fell into a stunned silence as everyone watched her hurried departure, their expressions reflecting a mixture of concern and confusion.

Alex was the first to react, his instincts kicking in as he stood up swiftly, his chair scraping against the floor. Without a moment's hesitation, he followed Emily, his strides purposeful as he moved to catch up with her. 

Meanwhile, Olivia, her panic evident in the way she dropped the toast on the table, scrambled to her feet and hastened after them, her footsteps echoing in the tense atmosphere of the dining room.

With each step she took, Olivia's heart pounded in her chest, the weight of her secret threatening to suffocate her. She knew that if Alex were to find out, it could change everything irreversibly. Determined to shield the secret at all costs, Olivia quickened her pace, her mind racing with thoughts of how to avert a potential disaster.

In the main floor washroom, Emily rushed in and gripped the sink with trembling hands, retching but nothing substantial came out. She had barely eaten the day before. Feeling a gentle pat on her back, she looked up through teary eyes to see Alex standing behind her. A sudden wave of dizziness hit her, but Alex's steady hands caught her around the waist. Before she knew it, she found herself clinging to him, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck.

The maid brought the elderly Mrs. Stratton to the scene, her expression filled with worry. "How is she?" she asked anxiously.

"I'm not sure. I'll take her to the hospital now," Alex replied with concern.

Quick to follow, Olivia interjected, "I'll go with you. But Harbourview is quite far. What about the private clinic we went to last time?"

Olivia's attempt to appear calm belied her inner panic. She dreaded the thought of Alex discovering Emily's pregnancy. If they went to the medical center now, he would surely find out. She recalled Emily's reluctance to go to the hospital or take medication last time, and suddenly it dawned on her.

"The clinic?" Alex frowned, clearly hesitant. "No, let's go to Harbourview Med."

Olivia's expression darkened further. She scrambled to find another excuse to prevent Alex from taking Emily there. Just then, Emily spoke up. "Stop."

Alex lowered his gaze to meet hers, noticing a slight improvement in her complexion. Emily signalled for him to put her down, but Alex remained still.

Then Emily insisted, "Put me down."

Alex held her a little tighter, his concern evident. "You're sick. You need to go to the hospital."

"I'm fine now," Emily insisted. "I was just nauseous from the smell."

"The smell?" Alex narrowed his eyes in confusion. "What smell?"

Olivia jumped in to explain. "The smell of seafood. It was overwhelming at breakfast. Emily doesn't care for seafood, remember? Just like how you don't like sweets."

"Put me down, how many times do I have to repeat myself," Emily interjected firmly, cutting off Alex's attempt to recall her food preferences from childhood. 

Emily took a deep breath and continued, "I'm fine. I just didn't want to have the seafood for breakfast." She did appear to be better, so Alex put her down. 

Olivia stepped up to hold Emily right away. "Emily, If you still don't feel well later, I'll go to the hospital with you." Emily understood what she meant and nodded in agreement.

As they walked back to the dining room, Alex looked at them with confusion, wondering when they had become so close. 

The elderly Mrs. Stratton was surprised to see them back so soon. Before she could ask, Emily quickly came to her side and said, "Sorry, Grandma. I made you worried."

Shaking her head, Mrs. Stratton asked concernedly, "How come you're back? If you don't feel well, you should go to the hospital."

"I'm fine, Grandma," said Emily. "I just felt a bit nauseous when I smelled the seafood."

"Nauseous?" The elderly Mrs. Stratton's expression changed with a mix of concerns. 

"Yes, Grandma. I didn't really like seafood since I was a kid, remember?" Emily added. "I threw up one time having shrimps back in school." She tried to sound convincing.

The elderly Mrs. Stratton instructed the maids to get Emily juice and fruits instead. 

As Emily sighed with a sense of relief, a voice came from behind her. "Throwing up having shrimp at school? How come I never heard about this?" Alex asked softly.

"Why would you hear about this? It's embarrassing," replied Emily. 

She and Alex grew up together, sharing in each other's triumphs and embarrassments. Alex had witnessed every awkward moment, from her front teeth falling out and the ensuing gap-toothed smile to the time she tripped and spilled punch all over herself at their eighth-grade dance. 

 Reflecting on her childhood memories with Alex, Emily added icily, "You don't know a lot of things about me."

After breakfast, Emily suggested taking Grandma for a walk, and Olivia eagerly volunteered to accompany them.

As they strolled through the upscale community, Emily trailed behind Olivia and Grandma. The manicured lawns of sprawling mansions stretched out before them, punctuated by occasional glimpses of a pristine golf course or a luxurious sports center. Transitioning onto the sidewalk of the adjacent streets, the scenery shifted to a more modest landscape of low-rise condos and townhouses. Here, the atmosphere was livelier, with pedestrians bustling about and the sounds of city life filling the air.

Amidst this changing backdrop, Emily observed Olivia's interaction with Grandma with a mix of emotions swirling inside her. She couldn't quite pinpoint the exact feelings—perhaps a blend of joy, sorrow, and a tinge of something she couldn't name.

An hour later, Emily observed Grandma showing signs of fatigue, prompting her to gently propose returning home. 

As they made their way back, Margaret caught up to Emily "Mr. Stratton,"

"Yes, Margaret?" 

Margaret then leaned in and whispered, "Mrs. Stratton, perhaps it would be beneficial for you to take a more proactive role with the family."

Emily furrowed her brow, trying to comprehend Margaret's meaning, until she followed Margaret's gaze toward Olivia and Grandma ahead of them. Emily's lips curled into a small smile. "As long as Grandma is happy," she replied softly.

Margaret's expression soured, and she continued "If it were you, she would be even happier. After all, you are her granddaughter-in-law. You are her family."

Emily sensed a hint of frustration and perhaps even resentment towards Olivia. She nodded with a smile.

 Margaret's frustration seemed to deepen at Emily's calm response. "Mrs. Stratton," she pressed on, "you're kind to everyone, but not all reciprocate that kindness."

Olivia approached Emily just before leaving the Stratton's. "I wanted to apologize again for what I said last night. You proved me wrong."

Upon learning about the surgery postponement, Olivia had initially suspected Emily of manipulating Mrs. Stratton to halt the divorce proceedings. Olivia harboured a deep-seated mistrust of others, aware of her own darker tendencies, though kept hidden from everyone else. However, after their conversation that day, Olivia was convinced that Mrs. Stratton was unaware of any interference.

"Could you please extend an invitation if I want to visit again?" Olivia requested. 

Emily furrowed her brow in confusion. "Why do you need me to invite you?"

"I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble," Olivia explained. "If I keep showing up uninvited, Mrs. Stratton might become suspicious. But if it comes from you, she'll just think we're close."

Emily smirked faintly. Olivia pressed on, "You saw how she enjoys having me around. Once you're gone, I can take good care of her."

"Okay," Emily agreed, her patience with Olivia Winters wearing thin.