Challenging Assumptions

Emily returned to the bedroom, sinking onto the edge of the bed, feeling utterly exhausted. She hadn't anticipated that just an hour-long walk would leave her feeling this drained. Despite her weariness, she didn't allow herself to rest. Instead, she grabbed her laptop and made her way to the study.

Emily called Joyce Garcia, her assistant, who had been handling all her work while she was away. Despite Joyce's occasional complaints about vendors and other teams, Emily had learned that she was managing exceptionally well in her absence. As she settled into the chair and began reviewing reports from Joyce, she couldn't stifle a yawn, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. Despite having enjoyed a full nine hours of sleep last night, she couldn't believe how tired she felt already. Instinctively, she placed a hand on her belly, gently rubbing it with a soft smile playing on her lips.

"Baby, are you tired from the walk already? Mummy didn't walk that far," she murmured affectionately to her unborn child. Her stomach rumbled, reminding her that it wasn't even lunchtime yet. "Alright, let's grab a bite and have some rest."

As she shut down her laptop and rose to leave the study, the balcony door slid open behind her, startling her. She turned to see Alex Stratton, with sharp bone structures lending a striking sharpness to his face, his deep blue eyes akin to stars gleaming on a moonlit night, approaching her.

Emily's pulse quickened, and for a moment, her mind went blank. 

Why was Alex here? Hadn't he left for work after breakfast? She almost let out a scream as panic surged through her veins. Upon entering the study, she found it empty, her voice echoing in the silence as she softly murmured, "Baby... and mummy..." Emily's complexion paled as panic surged within her. What if... What if he forced her to get rid of the baby, or worse, took it away from her afterward? Her mind spun with anxious thoughts as she struggled to maintain her composure. 

Alex noticed her panic and frowned, his gaze boring into her as if trying to unravel a mystery.

"Who were you talking to?" he asked, his voice low and intense.

Emily's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to find her words. "Why are you here? You said you were leaving for meetings after breakfast," she deflected, avoiding his question.

Alex's frown deepened. "Virtual meetings," he replied tersely. 

"I thought you went to the office, so I came to borrow your study to work a bit. Joyce asked me to help her with a few things."Emily felt a surge of relief, but she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gripped her. 

Alex continued to gaze at her intently. "You seem nervous," he remarked, stepping closer. 

Emily instinctively moved back, seeking distance, but a firm hand at her waist prevented her from retreating further.

"So, you Are nervous." Alex's voice was quiet but insistent, his eyes narrowing as he studied her closely. "Who were you talking to?"

She looked up at him defiantly and stated, "I told you, I was talking to Joyce about work."

"Really?" Alex's disbelief was evident in his tone.

Emily shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "If you don't believe me, don't ask."

Alex's face darkened as he pierced her with his gaze. "Dare to show me your phone? I want to see who you called."

Emily frowned in disbelief. "Check my phone?" she let out a smirk. "Unbelievable," she muttered. 

"If you're telling the truth, let me see it."Alex extended his hand, demanding Emily's phone. 

She hesitated, reluctant to entertain him, and began to put her phone and laptop away, attempting to leave. However, Alex blocked her path.

"If it's really Joyce, why don't you let me see it? Or is it someone else?" His tone dripped with accusation. "Is it Aaron Marsan?"

Emily widened her eyes in realization. It finally dawned on her why Alex was asking those questions. He hadn't heard everything, but perhaps caught snippets—baby, eat, rest. The mention of Aaron Marsan amused her, as it was the second time Alex had lost his temper over him. Alex likely thought she was calling Aaron baby and instructing him to eat and rest.

Seeing Emily remain silent, Alex's fury intensified. "Why don't you say anything?" he demanded.

Emily simply shrugged, maintaining her cool. "Nothing to say. Whatever you think."

"Emily Stratton," Alex grabbed her chin forcefully. "We're not divorced yet. Don't let me find out you're getting involved with other men."

Emily, on the verge of leaving, suddenly felt a surge of anger at Alex's accusation. "Me with other men? Why would you even say that?" Her voice crackled with indignation, eyes flashing with intensity. "Then what about you and Olivia Winters?" she countered, her tone sharp and accusatory. "She came to our house uninvited, spent the night here, in my clothes!" each word laced with frustration.

As Emily spoke, Alex's expression shifted, a flicker of discomfort crossing his features. His jaw tightened, a muscle pulsing in his cheek as Emily's words hit their mark. His silence spoke volumes, his inability to defend himself only serving to stoke Emily's fury further.

"And I can't even make a phone call to a man? Why don't you say anything now? What if I asked a man to come over and spend the night here in your clothes? How would that make you feel?"

Emily's words hung in the air, a palpable tension filling the room. Alex's expression remained stoic. Seeing Alex unable to respond, Emily stormed out of the room.