Reunion and Revelation

The following day, Emily found herself torn between her obligations at work and her desire to care for Grandma at home. However, Grandma's insistence that Emily return to the office with Alex weighed heavily on her mind. Despite her reservations, Emily knew Grandma only wanted what was best for her.

As Emily made her way to the office alongside Alex, she couldn't shake the lingering unease that had settled in her chest. The tension between them from the previous day still hung in the air, casting a shadow over their interactions. Each passing moment felt like a delicate dance, with unspoken words and unresolved emotions swirling beneath the surface.

Upon arriving at the office, Emily was greeted by the familiar hustle and bustle of the corporate world. 

During the lunch hour, Joyce entered the office carrying two bags of packed food, her face beaming with a wide smile as she presented the array of boxes to Emily. "Your lunch is delivered. Can't believe you ordered this much," she exclaimed cheerfully. 

Emily looked at her with confusion. "I didn't order anything," she replied.

As both women puzzled over the unexpected delivery, a deep, masculine voice echoed from the office door. "Hope you still like them." 

As Emily turned, her eyes fell upon the figure standing in the doorway. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with a commanding presence that seemed to fill the room. His dark hair was neatly styled, framing a strong jawline and piercing eyes that held a hint of mischief beneath their intense gaze. Dressed in a tailored suit that accentuated his muscular frame, he exuded an air of confidence and authority. Despite his imposing appearance, there was a warmth in his smile as he looked at Emily, a familiarity that sparked recognition in her mind.

Julian Everhart. 

The name alone evoked memories that Emily would rather forget. They had grown up together, their families intertwined in a web of social connections and shared history. But for Emily, Julian had always been a thorn in her side, a constant source of irritation and frustration.

From the time they were children, Julian had delighted in tormenting her. He would pull her ponytail in kindergarten, laugh at her missing teeth in primary school, and taunt her mercilessly about Alex and Olivia as they grew older. "Did you see the necklace Alex gave Olivia for her birthday?" he would jeer, or "Olivia gave Alex a painting, a portrait of herself." It seemed as though he took pleasure in needling Emily.

Emily had pleaded with Julian to stop, to leave her alone and mind his own business. But he had never listened, his teasing only growing more relentless as the years went by. It drove her to the brink of madness, each mention of Alex and Olivia feeling like a dagger to her heart.

Until that day in the garden, Emily overheard Alex confessing his feelings for Olivia. "There's always room in my heart for Olivia," he had said, his words echoing in Emily's mind like a haunting refrain. In that moment, something inside her shifted. The anger and resentment she had harboured towards Julian suddenly seemed insignificant.

Perhaps noticing the the change in Emily's reactions, Julian stopped bringing up Alex and Olivia in their conversations.

Eventually, both Julian and Alex left for college in Los Angeles, their paths diverging as they pursued their own dreams and ambitions. While Alex returned to marry Emily after giving up his graduate studies, Julian remained in LA, forging his own path in the world.

Emily stood up from her desk, her gaze drawn to Julian Everhart. After five years apart, she couldn't help but notice how much he had changed. His once-boyish features had sharpened with age, his jawline more defined, his stature more commanding. The mischievous glint that had once danced in his eyes had been replaced by a depth and wisdom that spoke of life's experiences.

Lost in her thoughts, Emily realized she had been staring for too long when Julian's teasing voice broke the silence. "Can't recognize me, Emmy?" he quipped, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Of course not, Drolly," Emily replied with a hint of playful nostalgia, using the childhood nickname she had bestowed upon him.

Julian stepped closer, his arms outstretched in a gesture of familiarity. "Hugs?" he offered, his warm presence enveloping her before she even had a chance to respond.

As Julian's arms encircled her, Emily found herself inhaling a mixture of cigarette smoke and a faint floral scent that lingered around him. "You've grown, Emmy," Julian remarked softly, his words tinged with a hint of admiration. "Prettier and skinnier."

The words stirred a bittersweet memory within Emily, reminding her of the message she had received from Julian when he had left. "Grow up happily, little girl," a parting message that now felt like a distant echo of the past. 

Just as she was about to gently extricate herself from Julian's embrace, her gaze shifted and she caught sight of a tall figure standing in the doorway over Julian's shoulder.

It was Alexander Stratton.

His eyes were icy, their depths reflecting a coldness that seemed to freeze the air around them. His gaze remained fixed on them, unwavering and impassive, as if a layer of frost had settled over his face, rendering his expression unreadable.

Emily quickly extricated herself from Julian's embrace. Judging by her expression, Julian turned around and caught sight of Alex. Upon recognizing Julian, Alex's initially darkened expression smoothed into his usual icy demeanour, devoid of any visible emotion.

"You're back," Alex stated flatly, his gaze fixed on Julian.

Julian raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement playing at the corners of his lips. "You don't seem too thrilled to see me. That's not the warm welcome I expected from you, Alexander."

Alex pressed his lips together, a faint smirk dancing across his features. "When did you come back? I wasn't aware of it."

Julian maintained his polite smile, his eyes flickering between Alex and Emily. "This morning."

As they conversed, Alex circled around the desk, coming to stand beside Emily. With a casual gesture, he draped an arm around her shoulders, subtly staking his claim. "Perhaps we can arrange dinner tomorrow. It'd be good to catch up."

Julian nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. Let's make it a gathering with our friends tomorrow then."

Acknowledging the suggestion with a curt nod, Alex directed his attention back to Emily. "If you'll excuse us," he said, taking her hand and guiding her toward the door, his grip possessive.

Emily glanced back at Julian, offering a small, apologetic smile before allowing herself to be led out of the office by Alex.