Echoes of Unspoken Words

Alex stormed out of the room with a resounding bang, leaving Emily to sigh softly as she gently caressed her belly. "Don't worry, baby," she murmured, "you won't have his temper."

As Alex retreated to the garage, his phone interrupted the tense air. It was Grandma's doctor. "Hi, Mr. Stratton, could you please take your grandma for a checkup today or tomorrow?"

"Today?" Alex questioned, feeling a knot form in his stomach.

"Yes, we'd like to check if everything is okay with her and schedule her surgery next week," the doctor explained before ending the call.

Alex's lips tightened as he processed the sudden urgency. He hadn't anticipated the surgery being rescheduled so soon, especially right after the argument with Emily.

Lost in his thoughts in the car, Alex spotted Emily approaching through the rearview mirror. He turned down the window as she passed by. 

"Yes?" she responded.

"Grandma's doctor called. He wants her to have a check up today or tomorrow" Alex informed her.

"Sure, sounds good. If you're busy, I can take her there myself," Emily offered.

Sensing Alex's tension, Emily suggested, "Or we can tell her together first and take her when you're free?"

Alex remained silent for a moment before relenting, "Come on in. We can discuss it on the way to work."

As they settled into the car, Alex couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in Emily's appearance. She was dressed in looser clothing, with an extra layer despite the warmth of the season. He couldn't resist asking, "Why the change in wardrobe?"

Emily's response was curt, "So?"

"It's just... not like you," Alex remarked, his brow furrowing with uncertainty.

"Why can't I have more than one style? " Emily retorted, her tone defensive.

Unwilling to push the matter further, Emily shifted the conversation. "How is Olivia? I heard her scar might be permanent."

Alex nodded solemnly. 

"So, what's the plan?" Emily inquired, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside.

"Plan for what?" Alex responded impatiently, his irritation evident.

Emily hesitated, on the verge of asking about her punishments if the scar remained permanent, but she held back. "Never mind," she muttered, swiftly exiting the car as they arrived at the office.

As they arrived home later that evening, they broke the news to Grandma about the doctor's call. She seemed content, relieved to be in better spirits than she had been at the medical center.

"Sure, let's go tomorrow," Grandma agreed with a smile. Emily felt reassured seeing her grandmother's positive response.

However, Grandma's next words caught them off guard. "I thought I would have to stay there until the surgery, but now I have a chance to live at home with you two and explore outside. Even if I don't make it through the surgery..."

"That's nonsense, Grandma," Emily quickly interjected. "The surgery will go smoothly, and you'll have plenty of time exploring the world."

But Grandma's tone turned solemn. "Accidents happen," she said, prompting Alex to respond sharply, "There won't be any accidents."

Grandma took Emily's hand and spoke softly, "I know you both care about me deeply. But if anything happens, don't dwell on it. Live happily. Alex, remember to care for Emily. Marriage is harder for women; they always sacrifice more."

Emily's tears trickled down her cheeks, landing softly on Grandma's fragile hand. Each drop seemed to carry with it a multitude of emotions – love, fear, and a profound sense of vulnerability.

"Grandma," Emily called out, her voice choked with tears. 

Before she could say more, the elderly Mrs. Stratton patted her hand gently and said, "It's okay. Don't cry." She comforted Emily, turning the situation around. After a while when Emily finally calmed down. 

"Go to bed early and have some rest." with a kiss on Emily's forehead, she added "sweet dreams." Obediently, Emily went upstairs. 

Watching her leave, Grandma glanced at Alex, who was standing nearby, and asked, "Have you been fighting with her lately?"

Alex hesitated for a moment before replying, "No, of course not."

"You think I'm too old to notice, don't you?" Grandma's voice was sharp.

"Notice what?" Alex tried to stay calm.

"You know what I mean." Her voice grew colder. "Was it because of Olivia Winters?"

At the mention of Olivia's name, Alex's expression changed. Grandma continued, "Yes, Olivia saved your life, so you've always treated her differently." Alex opened his mouth to deny it, but Grandma cut him off. "Don't deny it. I could tell something was up between you and Emily ever since she came back. I know you both too well."

She paused, then added, "The night I came home from the hospital, Olivia came here to see you, didn't she?"

Alex remained silent. Grandma sighed. "Just as I thought. She saved your life, but that doesn't necessarily mean there has to be something special between you two. You are a married man. What was she expecting you to do?"

"She's not expecting anything from me," Alex defended Olivia.

"If it wasn't her, then was it you? Have you thought about how that would make Emily feel?" Grandma's eyes were filled with disappointment, frustration, and anger, piercing through Alex. "Alex, tell me the truth," she demanded. "Do you love Emily?"

Alex's heart skipped a beat, leaving him frozen and speechless.


Alex thought to himself, his gaze clouded with confusion. 

The elderly Mrs. Stratton had raised Alex since he was a child, and she knew him too well. She understood his emotions better than he did. She had seen the subtle ways he cared for Emily, even before he was aware of it himself. That's why she had chosen Emily as her granddaughter-in-law; she recognized the deep connection between them that Alex hadn't yet realized.

Mrs. Stratton also loved Emily as if she were her own grandchild. She had watched Emily grow, seen her kindness, her strength, and her unwavering support for Alex. She wouldn't want Emily to marry someone who didn't truly love her. Mrs. Stratton had always hoped that Alex would come to see what she saw—that Emily was the one for him, the one who completed him.

Thinking about all this, Mrs. Stratton sighed heavily. She had hoped that by now, Alex would have found clarity. She had hoped that he would have recognized his own feelings and the depth of his love for Emily. Yet here they were, still mired in uncertainty. She looked at Alex with a mixture of compassion and disappointment.

"After all these years," she said softly, her voice tinged with sadness, "you still don't know what you really want, do you, Alex?" Her words hung in the air.

Late at night, Emily lay sleeping on the bed in the soft furry pyjamas she had just bought for herself. Alex stood by the bedside, the light from the table lamp casting a long, thin shadow on the wall. The warm glow illuminated Emily's face, making her look peaceful and serene. Despite playing the roles of husband and wife in front of others, Alex had never felt more distant from Emily than he did lately. Only after she fell asleep could he allow himself to be close to her.

"You still don't know what you really want, do you?" Grandma's voice echoed in his head. Looking at Emily's face, Alex suddenly noticed a frown. Nightmare? he wondered. He bent down and gently touched her forehead, trying to smooth the frown with his fingers. However, he didn't realize how cold his fingertips were, and the touch woke Emily.

Their eyes met, Emily still half-asleep, her gaze unfocused and dreamy. She blinked slowly, trying to make sense of the figure standing over her. As she gained full consciousness, confusion clouded her features, and she sat up, leaning against the headboard. "What are you doing?" she asked, her voice laced with a mixture of confusion and startlement.

"What would I do?" Alex's tone sharpened, irritated by her reaction. Emily turned her head away, avoiding his gaze. 

In the next moment, Alex grasped her chin and turned her head to face him. "What are you avoiding?" he demanded, lowering himself closer to her. Their faces were so close that Alex could smell her familiar scent, a scent that made him swallow hard as a glimpse of desire filled his gaze. Caught in the intensity of the moment, they stared at each other, the silence between them thick with unspoken words and unresolved emotions.

"Alex, what are you doing in the middle of the night? We need to take Grandma for the checkup tomorrow morning." As Emily spoke, her soft lips parted, resembling a pink flower blooming. Alex found himself mesmerized, realizing it had been a long time since he had kissed her. The words she spoke barely registered as his thoughts wandered to the intimacy they had lost.

Emily quickly noticed the desire in his stare, her eyes widening slightly in response. "I need some sleep," she said hurriedly, lying down and pulling the blanket up to her chin. She turned away from him, attempting to create a barrier between them.

However, Alex's scent enveloped her from all directions. It was a scent that once brought her comfort, now stirring a mix of emotions within her. She closed her eyes tightly, willing herself to calm down, but her heart continued to race.