Misaligned Hearts

The soft and passionate kiss startled Emily. For a moment, she was lost in the sensation, until she suddenly realized what was happening and pushed him away. Alex, with his eyes closed and completely absorbed in the moment, was jolted back to reality when she shoved him. He opened his eyes and stared at her now livid and plump lips, wanting to continue the kiss, but Emily stopped him with both hands against his chest.

"Alex Stratton, what are you doing?" she demanded.

Alex's eyes darkened as he murmured, "Why push me away? Didn't you say it's just physical between us?"

Emily's expression hardened as she stared at him coldly. "Go to Olivia Winters."

At the mention of Olivia, Alex clenched his teeth in anger. "I want no one but you."

As he moved closer again, Emily slapped him. "Go away!" she shouted, her anger causing her to tremble. "Don't touch me."

"You're mad? Didn't you enjoy playing the role of a good wife lately? Why not continue with your act?" he taunted.

Emily didn't respond, using all her strength to push Alex away. He grabbed her wrist, his grip firm. "Why are you mad at me? Is it because of Olivia?"

Suddenly, Emily realized what Alex was trying to do. He wanted to see if she was jealous. "What are you trying to say?" she smirked, meeting his gaze. Despite her anger, she found his face irresistible. She had always loved him, so much that she lost herself.

Alex parted his lips as if to speak, but hesitated. They had known each other for so long and so well that certain things were left unspoken, like love. Alex didn't want to ask directly, but Emily was different. She spoke coldly, "Are you trying to ask if I love you? If I did, I'd be jealous of Olivia."

Alex's heart skipped a beat, unprepared for her bluntness. 

"Don't worry," Emily continued, "not at all."

Alex found himself speechless, and Emily continued, her voice calm but firm, "Yes, I said it was just physical, but it's different now. Olivia is back, so why are you still coming to me? I have my standards, and you no longer meet them." Her words, though softly spoken, cut through Alex like a knife, leaving him reeling.

His expression darkened with anger. "Who meets your standards now? Is it Aaron Marson or Julian Everhart?" he demanded, his tone harsh and accusing.

Emily's eyes widened in disbelief at the absurdity of his accusations. "Are you serious?" she asked, her voice tinged with incredulity.

"After the dinner party, was it Julian who drove you home?" Alex pressed on, his eyes narrowing.

Emily frowned, taken aback by his knowledge of that night. She had thought his attention was solely on Olivia and her injury. "I also know that you went out for lunch with him today," Alex added, his voice laced with bitterness.

Realizing something was amiss, Emily's expression hardened. "Were you spying on me?" she demanded.

"Was it necessary?" Alex shot back.

"Then how would you know?" Emily challenged, her eyes flashing with defiance.

"You look nervous now," Alex replied with a cold smirk. "And the change in your wardrobe—was it because that's the style he likes?"

Emily frowned in confusion. "Nonsense. It's getting cold. Why can't I change into a more comfy style?" She glanced down at her new furry pyjamas, feeling a wave of irritation. 

It struck her as odd that Alex would think her style change was for Julian and not because of her pregnancy. She realized she didn't know him as well as she thought. While she was consumed with worry about their future, Alex seemed fixated on something entirely different. He hadn't even confirmed whether she had terminated the pregnancy.

Lost in her thoughts, Emily was abruptly pulled back to the present by the intensity of Alex's presence. His face was close, his eyes burning with anger. "You can change into a comfortable style for winter, but don't you think the timing is too coincidental? Julian just came back, and in the office, he hugged you..."

Emily raised her hand to stop him. "Can we please not talk about this? I don't like anyone. I didn't change my style to please any man," she said, her voice weary. She yawned, her exhaustion evident. "I just want to sleep right now. Can't we talk about whatever's on your mind tomorrow?" Her thoughts drifted to her grandmother's check-up the next day, which was consuming her attention.

Alex was taken aback by Emily's apparent indifference. Seeing his silence, Emily continued, "I'm going to sleep now. Suit yourself." She pulled up the blanket, turned away from him, and lay down, closing her eyes as if nothing had happened. The room fell into an uneasy silence, the air thick with unresolved tension.

At first, Emily thought if she lay back down in bed, Alex would just leave. However, Alex didn't move, standing resolutely by her bedside. She wondered, he wouldn't stand there all night, would he? He's crazy. But then she thought about her baby. The baby needs me to have a good night's sleep, she reminded herself. Turning around, she nestled into the blankets, the softness and warmth quickly lulling her to sleep. Her breathing became quiet and peaceful, the tension from moments before dissolving into slumber.

Alex circled the bed, his footsteps soft on the carpet, and found that Emily had actually fallen sound asleep within minutes. He couldn't believe how someone who had been so furious, yelling and slapping him, could then fall right back to sleep. The transformation in her behaviour was startling. She had changed so much lately that Alex found he no longer recognized her. His heart still brimming with anger and frustration from their fight, he looked at her peaceful face, the soft rise and fall of her chest, and felt a pang of speechlessness. Even in his turmoil, he softened his footsteps when he left her bedside, moving to the couch with mixed emotions.

Though it was the middle of the night, his mind was clear and sharp, refusing to let him rest. His grandmother's words still lingered in his mind, echoing in the silence. The dim light from the street lamps outside cast long shadows across the room, adding to the surreal atmosphere. After a while, he lay his head back on the couch, closing his eyes in an attempt to calm his racing thoughts.

On the other side of the bedroom, Emily slept soundly until the first light of dawn seeped through the curtains. She stretched luxuriously, sitting up in bed and completely forgetting the tension from the previous night. The room was still, the air cool against her skin as she moved. As she was about to walk into the bathroom, she met Alex's gaze from the couch. The air froze between them, thick with unspoken words. Emily noticed the bloodshot veins in his eyes, the exhaustion etched into his features. Did he sit there the whole night? she wondered. Ignoring him, she walked into the bathroom, the door clicking softly behind her.

When she came out of the bathroom, Alex was still on the couch, his posture rigid. She asked, "Don't you need to get ready? We need to take Grandma for her check-up this morning."

A glimpse of irritation flashed across Alex's eyes, the weariness in his voice unmistakable. "I know. You don't have to remind me all the time." He stood up, his movements stiff and deliberate, and walked past her into the bathroom.

Just a few more days, Emily thought to herself as she descended the staircase. The morning light casted a warm glow through the windows lighting up the house. After Grandma's surgery, they would go their separate ways. She walked pass the living room, the familiar sounds of morning routines grounding her. The smell of fresh coffee filled the air as she entered the dinning room.

Emily joined the elderly Mrs. Stratton for breakfast. As they were finishing up, Alex walked downstairs, dark circles under his eyes, looking utterly exhausted. Mrs. Stratton glanced at him, her expression shifting from concern to a knowing frown.

As Alex wheeled the elderly Mrs. Stratton towards the garage to head to the hospital, she asked softly, "What happened last night?"

"Nothing," Alex replied quietly, his voice devoid of emotion.

Mrs. Stratton persisted, "Did you fight with Emily again?"

Alex didn't deny it but kept his cold expression, his jaw set in stubborn silence. 

The elderly Mrs. Stratton let out a weary sigh and said, "I don't understand how you could keep fighting with Emily. She is such a nice girl, soft and gentle. You need to control your temper, Alex."

Soft and gentle? Alex thought to himself, his mind flashing back to the countless times he had experienced Emily's fiery temper. He remembered the sting of her slap, the coldness in her eyes, and the strength with which she had pushed him away. The contrast between his grandmother's perception of Emily and his own experiences made him smirk inwardly, but he kept his expression neutral, saying nothing.

When Alex and Emily got into the car, their gazes met briefly through the rearview mirror. Emily sat in the backseat with Mrs. Stratton, making small talk about the upcoming hospital check-up, whereas Alex drove in silence.