Shadows of Doubt

Alex's gaze grew colder and darker. Julian took out his phone and showed Alex a photo of Cole and Clare. Taking the phone, Alex recognized Clare immediately as the woman who had fought with Emily during the dinner party and whom he had thrown out of the room. But he didn't know Cole.

"Is he a friend of Olivia's?" Alex asked, pointing to Cole in the photo.

"He was also in our high school and had a crush on Olivia. How could you not know him?"

Alex frowned, thinking for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and asked, "When you found out it was Emily, why didn't you call me?"

"Sorry, I didn't think that much. I was in a rush to save her."

"Did you forget, or did you hide it from me on purpose?" Alex pressed on with a sharper tone.

"I think you already know the answer," Julian said, meeting his gaze.

Julian's reply made Alex's heart skip a beat. "Do you like her?" Alex asked.