Tangled Loyalties

"I didn't do it, and I knew nothing about it." Olivia said with a sigh, "After all, you don't trust me. The timing was just a coincidence."

Alex remained silent.

Olivia became paler and continued, "Alex, why don't you trust me now? Is it because I faked the fall and blamed it on Emily? But I didn't know..."

Alex narrowed his eyes and interrupted, "So you finally admit it. You faked the fall." 

Olivia's voice began to tremble. "Yes, I did it last time. I admit what I've done. But this time, I have nothing to do with the kidnapping." Looking up to stare at Alex into his eyes, Olivia continued, "We've known each other for years. I would risk my life for yours. You married her as Grandma asked, and she's been taking great care of Grandma. I could only appreciate what she's done when I wasn't around. Why would I want to harm her?"