CHAPTER ONE:fateful call


Kenji was in the midst of a rigorous training session at the gym when his phone rang. He answered, expecting a routine call, but the voice on the other end delivered devastating news.

"Hello, Kenji. We're calling from the city hospital. Mr. Kazuki has been admitted with severe injuries," the voice said, its tone solemn and professional.

Kenji rushed to the hospital, his mind racing with thoughts of Kazuki's well-being. Upon arrival, he began questioning the doctor.

"What happened to him?" Kenji asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Please calm down, sir. He's stabilizing," the doctor replied.

"Thank goodness! Can I see him now?" Kenji asked, his eyes pleading for a glimpse of his mentor.

"Yes, of course," the doctor said, leading Kenji to Kazuki's room.

As they entered the room, Kenji saw a masked man injecting something into Kazuki's arm. Without hesitation, he rushed towards the man, but he escaped, leaving behind a small object.

Kenji chased after the man but was unsuccessful. Returning to Kazuki's room, he found the doctor trying to resuscitate Kazuki, but it was too late. Kenji's mentor was gone, and he was consumed by grief and anger.

The doctor delivered the devastating news: "I'm sorry, we couldn't save him."

Kenji was overcome with emotion, unable to process the loss of his mentor. Just then, the secretary arrived, having returned with medicine for Kazuki. She was met with the tragic sight of Kenji crying profusely and Kazuki's lifeless body.

Together, they mourned the loss of Kazuki, and Kenji noticed the object that had fallen from the masked man's jacket - a small, seemingly insignificant item that would become the key to unraveling the mystery of Kazuki's murder.

The hospital room, once a place of hope and healing, had become a crime scene, and Kenji was determined to uncover the truth. Little did he know that this was just the beginning of a perilous journey, one that would test his resolve, loyalty, and trust. The battle for justice had begun, and Kenji was ready to face whatever lay ahead.