CHAPTER TWO:the investigation begins

Kenji's eyes widened as he noticed the object on the ground near the window. It was a Battle Grid Event card, issued just two days ago. He immediately connected the dots - the man who injected Kazuki must have been from a company participating in the event.

"This must be the company that murdered Kazuki!" Kenji exclaimed, his anger and determination evident.

The secretary was taken aback by Kenji's outburst. "What are you saying, Kenji? How do you know this?"

Kenji explained how he had seen the man injecting something into Kazuki's arm and how he had escaped through the window, dropping the card in the process.

The secretary's eyes widened as she understood the implications. "This means the company is involved in the Battle Grid Event. We need to find out which company it is."

Kenji's resolve was unwavering. "I promise you, Kazuki, I will avenge you. I will find this company and bring them to justice."

But the secretary raised a practical concern. "How are we going to find this company? We can't just leave the company unattended to."

Kenji agreed, and they decided to head to the company first. However, upon arrival, they were met with a shocking sight - the company was being closed down by the government due to Kazuki's murder.

The lawyer in charge explained that the company would remain shut until the case was solved. Kenji was furious, but the secretary calmed him down, reminding him that they couldn't afford to be on the wrong side of the law.

With a heavy heart, Kenji agreed to focus on the case after Kazuki's funeral. He returned to the gym, where he had been training before receiving the fateful call. As he remembered Kazuki's kindness and mentorship, a group of men interrupted him, seeking a fight.

Kenji defeated them easily, but one of them dropped a Battle Grid Event card as they fled. Kenji's eyes narrowed - this card was the key to unraveling the mystery.

He interrogated the man, learning that the card was for a championship among companies, starting in seven months. Registration ended in five months, and participants had to be under a company.

Kenji's mind raced with possibilities. He rushed back to the hotel to share the news with the secretary, and together they began to plan their next move. Little did they know that this was just the beginning of a treacherous journey, one that would test their resolve, loyalty, and trust.