CHAPTER THREE:the funeral and the investigation

The morning of Kazuki's funeral arrived, and Kenji knocked on the secretary's door. "It's almost time, are you ready?"

She stepped out, and they both left for the funeral. The ceremony was attended by many businessmen, including the culprit, who blended in with the crowd. Kenji suddenly burst into tears, overcome with grief and guilt.

The secretary tried to console him, "It'll be fine, besides, he wouldn't want us crying over him."

Kenji replied, "But it's all my fault! If I hadn't left him alone, he'd still be here."

The secretary reassured him, "No, don't say that. It's not your fault. You didn't know what was going to happen."

After the funeral, they headed to their meeting with the organizers of the Battle Grid Event. Kenji was determined to get the list of companies that registered a card on the day of the murder.

At the office, Kenji asked the board of directors for the list, but they refused, citing their policy. Kenji was frustrated but not deterred.

As they left the office, the secretary asked, "How do we find a company to join at this time?"

Kenji replied, "Don't worry, I have it figured out. Kazuki used to have a friend who runs a small company. I saw him at the funeral. I think we'll have to ask him to help."

The secretary hoped that Kenji's plan would work, and they could finally get the justice they sought for Kazuki's murder. Little did they know that this was just the beginning of a complex web of alliances and rivalries in the world of Battle Grid.