CHAPTER FIVE:the plan unfolds

Suzuki's eyes widened in disbelief, "Wh...what? You? Fight? Kenji, you're just a young man, what makes you think you can handle the Battle Grid Championship?"

Kenji smiled confidently, "Why not? It was Kazuki's wish, and I've been training in martial arts for years. He took me to an arena once, and we agreed that when I become a pro, I'll represent the company in the BGC."

Suzuki's expression changed, "Ah, yes... I remember Kazuki mentioning something about that. He said he had found a fighter to participate in the BGC, but I never knew it was you, Kenji."

Yasu chimed in, "So he did know about the BGC, and he had faith in you, Kenji."

Kenji's determination grew, "So, you'll let me fight for the company, right? I won't let Kazuki's dream die."

Suzuki nodded, "I have no objections if you think you can do it, but we still need to find a way to fund the registration fee."

Yasu's eyes lit up, "I have an idea! We could host small underground fights to raise the funds."

Suzuki's face lit up, "That's a great idea, Yasu! But we need to keep it under wraps, or the organizers will never accept it."

Kenji and Yasu exchanged a knowing look, and Suzuki continued, "I'll work on setting up the underground arena. You both go rest, we have a long road ahead."

The next morning, Kenji and Yasu arrived at the office, eager to start their new journey. Suzuki greeted them with a smile, "Ah, you're both here! I have some good news. I've arranged an underground arena for our fights."

Yasu's eyes widened, "That's fast work, sir!"

Suzuki chuckled, "I have some trustworthy contacts. We can leave for the arena now if you're ready."

As they prepared to leave, Kenji asked, "Where is the arena, sir?"

Suzuki replied, "The neighboring town. We need to keep a low profile, remember?"

Meanwhile, in a dark, luxurious office, the CEO of the company that had Kazuki assassinated received news from his spy, "Sir, Kenji has joined a new company."

The CEO's eyes narrowed, "Ken...ji. Why won't you just let it go? Now you're becoming an obstacle that needs to be removed."

The scene ended with the CEO plotting against Kenji, unaware of the determination and teamwork that Kenji, Yasu, and Suzuki had formed to take on the Battle Grid Championship.