CHAPTER SIX: Uncovering secrets

As Suzuki, Yasu, and Kenji arrived at the underground arena in the neighboring town, they were determined to uncover the truth behind Kazuki's murder. The atmosphere was electric, with the sound of cheering crowds and clashing fists filling the air. Meanwhile, CEO Yami was instructing his spy to gather intelligence on the new company they had joined, seeking to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and any potential threats.

The spy nodded, understanding the urgency of the task. "I'll have everything you need within a week, sir," he assured Yami. "Leave no stone unturned. I want to know their financial situation, their relationships, everything."

At the arena, Suzuki led the way, his eyes scanning the room with a mixture of excitement and caution. Yasu hesitated at the entrance, her eyes fixed on the dark alley leading to the arena. Kenji noticed her unease and teased her about being scared, but she brushed it off with a laugh. "Just admiring the view," she said, her voice steady.

As they entered the arena, they were struck by the intensity of the fighting and betting already underway. The air was thick with tension, and the smell of sweat and smoke hung heavy over the crowd. Suzuki's impressive organizational skills had clearly paid off, and Kenji couldn't help but express his admiration.

Suzuki smiled humbly, his eyes gleaming with pride. "It's all about connections and knowing the right people," he said. "But let's focus on the task at hand. We have a long night ahead of us."

As they made their way through the crowd, Yasu stuck close to Kenji, her eyes scanning the room with a mixture of curiosity and fear. Kenji noticed her unease and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Hey, you okay?" he asked, his voice low.

Yasu nodded, her eyes locked on his. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little overwhelmed, that's all."

Back at Yami's headquarters, the spy returned with valuable information. "The company they joined is small and underfunded, sir," he reported. "They don't pose an immediate threat to us. However, Kenji seems to be getting close to uncovering something. He's been asking questions and sniffing around."

Yami's eyes narrowed, his mind working overtime. "What about the clue he found? The one from the assassin?"

The spy hesitated before revealing, "Actually, sir, it seems to be a card with our company's logo on it. We're not sure what it means, but it could be a link to us."

Yami's expression darkened, his eyes flashing with anger. "Get me that assassin and my secretary, Noburo. Now. I want to know what they know, and I want to know yesterday."

As tensions mounted, the small company continued to make progress, with Suzuki announcing that they had almost raised enough funds to enter the prestigious BGC. The team's morale lifted, and Kenji felt a sense of hope that they might finally uncover the truth behind Kazuki's tragic fate.

With the night wearing on and the fighting intensifying, Kenji, Yasu, and Suzuki found themselves drawn into the fray. Their skills were put to the test as they fought their way through the underground arena, their determination to uncover the truth driving them forward.

The stakes were high, but they were ready for whatever lay ahead. Little did they know that Yami's spy was watching their every move, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.