CHAPTER SEVEN: The web of deceit

Yami's plan was unfolding with precision, like a spider weaving its web. He had summoned his spy, secretary, and the assassin to his chambers, his mind racing with strategies to eliminate Kenji and maintain his grip on the industry. The spy trembled, aware that he had failed to provide accurate information, while the assassin's eyes darted nervously around the room.

Yami's gaze settled on the assassin, his voice laced with venom. "You foolishly gave Kenji a clue, a BGC event card. Do you know how close he is to uncovering the truth?" The assassin trembled, aware of his mistake. Yami's secretary, Noburo, stood poised, awaiting his master's command.

With a swift gesture, Yami ordered Noburo to kill the assassin. The sound of a snapping neck echoed through the room, a chilling reminder of Yami's ruthless power. The spy paled, realizing he was next on the list if he failed again.

Yami's eyes narrowed, his mind working overtime. He couldn't let Kenji expose the truth, not now, not ever. He turned to his spy, his voice cold and calculated. "You will make sure Kenji doesn't reach the BGC. Do you understand?"

The spy nodded, fear etched on his face. "Yes, sir. I won't fail again."

Yami's gaze turned to Noburo. "See that our spy here doesn't fail. Make sure Kenji is taken care of, permanently."

Noburo nodded, his eyes gleaming with loyalty. "It will be done, sir."

Meanwhile, Suzuki's concerns about the BGC organizers grew. Kenji tried to reassure him, but Suzuki's intuition hinted at a sinister plot brewing. As they spoke, Yami's meeting with the organizers began. His demand to change the BGC entry deadline to two days sent a ripple of unease through the room.

One organizer dared to protest, but Noburo's swift intervention silenced him. Yami's message was clear: comply or face the consequences. The organizers caved, aware that resisting Yami's demands would be futile. As they departed, Yami revealed his motive to Noburo: Kenji's determination to uncover the truth had to be crushed.

Kenji's call to the organizers finally got through, but the response left him stunned. The BGC entry deadline had been pushed forward to two days, leaving him barely enough time to prepare. His mind raced with questions and doubts, unaware of the intricate web of deceit Yami had woven.

As the stakes grew higher, Yami's grip on the industry tightened. Kenji and Suzuki were about to face their greatest challenge yet, with the odds stacked against them. The battle for the truth had only just begun, and the outcome was far from certain.

In the shadows, Yami's power play unfolded, a masterclass in manipulation and control. His web of deceit ensnared everyone, from the organizers to his own henchmen. No one was safe, no one was innocent. The game was rigged, and Kenji was about to find out.