CHAPTER TEN: The grandmaster's wrath

At Suzuki's company, Yami's spy, Kiriko Shiokaza, masterfully disguised himself as a job applicant, deceiving Kenji and the entire organization. With a convincing facade, he secured a position as an advisor, gaining access to sensitive information. Kenji and Yasu arrived at the office, unaware of the potential threat lurking among them. Suzuki enthusiastically introduced Kiriko, touting his extensive experience in battle grid events. Kenji's intuition screamed warnings, but he remained silent, unsure how to articulate his concerns.

Suzuki warmly welcomed Kiriko, who expressed gratitude and promised to excel in his new role. Kenji and Yasu departed the office, with Kenji heading to the gym to release his pent-up frustration. Yasu followed, sensing something amiss. Kenji confided in Yasu about his reservations regarding Kiriko, but felt powerless to act, fearing his concerns might be unfounded.

Meanwhile, the Japanese Grand Master, a revered and affluent figure with vast influence over Japan's casinos, received news of the date shift. Enraged, he summoned the BGC organizers, demanding an explanation for the sudden change. When they revealed Yami's involvement, the Grand Master's ire intensified. He ordered his secretary to prepare his flight to Yokohama and instructed the organizers to reverse the date change for the remaining continents.

Yami, aware of the Grand Master's fury, paced in his office, contemplating his next move. Noburo entered, inquiring about Yami's distress. Yami shared his concerns, and Noburo suggested a drastic solution - eliminating the Grand Master. Yami knew this was impossible and would only lead to the BGC's downfall. Noburo departed, determined to prove himself, leaving Yami to navigate the treacherous landscape.

The next morning, Yami arrived at his office to find the Grand Master waiting, his presence commanding attention. The Grand Master's voice boomed through the room, addressing Yami by his full name, a habit only he had. Yami recognized the voice, his mind racing with the implications. He knew he faced a formidable foe, one who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals.