CHAPTER NINE: The unexpected showdown

As Kenji and his friends arrived at the BGC headquarters, they were met with a surprise. Noburo, Yami's loyal secretary, had been waiting for them, his eyes fixed on Kenji with an intensity that made him uneasy.

Meanwhile, inside the building, Kenji was preparing for his first fight, which would determine whether his company would qualify for the BGC. The referee called out, "Fighter number 2, Kenji, ready?"

Kenji nodded, his focus unwavering. "Ready."

As he stepped into the ring, he was taken aback by his opponent's muscular build. But Kenji didn't flinch, his determination evident in his eyes.

The opponent sneered, "Puny fighter, hahaha, I'm going to crush you!"

Kenji smiled calmly. "Come at me."

The fight began, and despite the odds against him, Kenji emerged victorious, his opponent crashing to the ground three times. The referee declared, "Winner, fighter number 2!"

As they left the building, Noburo intercepted them, his hand on Kenji's shoulder. "Well, well, well, look what we have here."

Kenji turned, his eyes narrowing. "Who are you?"

Before he could finish, Noburo threw a punch, which Kenji dodged with ease. The fight began, with Noburo initially having the upper hand. But Kenji's determination to unmask him gave him the strength to overpower Noburo, who fled the scene, his mask removed.

Yasu and Suzuki exchanged worried glances. "Who was that?" Yasu asked.

Kenji shrugged. "I don't know, but I think he has something to do with the thugs earlier. Let's not stress about it, let's get going."

Suzuki nodded. "We'll talk about it at the office."

Meanwhile, Noburo returned to the company, where Yami was waiting, his anger palpable. "Where were you?"

Noburo explained, but Yami cut him off. "You were trashing him, but he took off your mask, so you had to leave?"

Noburo nodded, realizing his mistake.

Yami's eyes blazed. "That's the first and last time you take a decision like that without my consent. Understood?"

Noburo bowed. "Yes, sir."

Yami dismissed him, but called him back. "Spy, I want you to find your way into that company. I need intel from the inside. Understood?"

The spy nodded, his eyes gleaming with understanding