Surprising Scene

The following week, Isadora was ensconced in her room, enjoying a leisurely afternoon, when a mansion staff member appeared at her door.

"Mrs. Adriana requests your presence in the living room," the worker announced. Isadora rose from her seat, curiosity visible, and followed the staff member to the designated gathering spot. As she entered the living room, she found the other staff members already assembled, awaiting the arrival of their esteemed mistress, Mrs. Adriana.

Mrs. Adriana entered the living room with elegance and confidence, her luxurious attire and jewelry making a statement. "My birthday is next week, and I want preparations to begin immediately," she announced. "This mansion will host the celebration, and I expect all staff members to work that day. Ensure every corner of the house is spotless, and I won't tolerate any misbehavior. Influential guests will be attending, so I expect professionalism from each of you."

The staff responded in unison, "Yes, ma'am."

Mrs. Adriana's gaze landed on Isadora as she continued, "And Isadora, you will be joining the serving staff on the day of my birthday celebration."

Isadora hesitated, "But ma'am, I'm not sure that's a good idea."

Mrs. Adriana's expression darkened, her voice rising in anger, "How dare you question my instructions! You will do as I say, without complaint."

Isadora quickly apologized, "Sorry, ma'am." Mrs. Adriana's tone turned stern, "You will indeed do as I say, it's non-negotiable. Now, the rest of you may return to your duties. Isadora, remain here."

The other staff members departed, leaving Isadora alone with Mrs. Adriana. "Remember, I'll be watching you closely. If you fail to join the servers, there will be consequences," Mrs. Adriana warned before departing, leaving Isadora standing alone, feeling anxious and intimidated.

Isadora sensed that Mrs. Adriana was plotting something, but she was unsure what to do. As she walked back to her room, she encountered Mrs. Agnes, who seemed to have been waiting for her.

"May we have a word in the garden?" Mrs. Agnes asked, and Isadora nodded in agreement. They strolled to the garden and sat down on a bench.

Mrs. Agnes began, "Why did you hesitate to follow Mrs. Adriana's instruction? You know better than to disobey her."

Isadora explained, "I realized it wasn't my responsibility, and I felt compelled to speak up."

Mrs. Agnes cautioned, "Remember, Isadora, you must tread carefully around Mrs. Adriana. She is capable of great cruelty."

Isadora acknowledged the warning, "Yes, I know. Thank you, Mrs. Agnes."

Mrs. Agnes asked, "How's your pregnancy progressing?"

Isadora replied, "The baby's fine," glancing down at her stomach.

Mrs. Agnes expressed concern, "If Mrs. Adriana discovers your condition, she might not let you continue working here."

Isadora had already thought of this and said, "I'll make sure to wear loose clothes to conceal it."

Mrs. Agnes warned, "Be careful, as Mrs. Adriana has a dislike for pregnant staff members."

Isadora's curiosity was aroused, "Has someone in the past lost their job due to pregnancy?"

Mrs. Agnes quickly covered her slip, "Oh, no, I was just speculating."

Isadora bid her farewell and returned to her room, still trying to piece together the mysteries surrounding Mrs. Adriana and the mansion.

Two days before Mrs. Adriana's birthday, Isadora was tasked with taking the girls shopping for their outfits.

At the mall, Isadora was helping Piper try on a dress. "This looks lovely on you," Isadora said, as they admired the reflection in the mirror.

Piper disagreed, "I don't like it. The purple is too bright and not stylish enough."

Isadora suggested, "Let's explore other options."

Just then, Sophia emerged from the dressing room, seeking their opinion. "How do I look?" She asked. 

"You look stunning!" Isadora exclaimed.

Piper, however, critiqued, "You look awful."

Isadora intervened, "Piper, can't you let go of the past?"

Piper retorted, "She's not my sister."

Sophia addressed Piper's rudeness, "Piper!"

Piper apologized, "Sorry, it looks nice."

Sophia returned to the dressing room, saying, "I think I've found the one."

Piper whispered to Isadora, "Always do extra," and they shared a laugh.

"Keep an eye out over there while I check this section," Isadora instructed, and Piper nodded.

As Isadora searched for a dress with Piper, Piper suddenly tapped her on the shoulder. "What's up?" Isadora asked, turning around.

"I just saw Uncle Liam," Piper said.

"Where?" Isadora asked, and Piper pointed in the direction. "The one with the brown hat, right?" Isadora confirmed, as the person was quickly moving away.

Piper nodded, and Isadora hastened to catch up, but a person carrying a bundle of clothes blocked her path. "Excuse me!" Isadora requested, trying to get around them.

When the person moved, Isadora spotted the brown hat in the distance and sprinted towards it. She grabbed the person from behind, saying, "Hey!" But when the person turned around, she realized it was an elderly man, and could possibly not be Liam.

"Oh, I apologize; I mistook you for someone else," Isadora said, feeling frustrated and unsure of what to do next. The elderly man gave her a strange look and walked away. Isadora returned to the girls, defeated.

As Isadora returned to the girls, someone else wearing a brown hat observed her from a distance, a sly smile spreading across their face before they quickly disappeared from view.

"Did you find him?" Piper asked, hope flickering in her eyes.

Isadora shook her head, "No, just an elderly man wearing a similar hat. It couldn't have been your uncle."

Piper's voice trembled, "Aunty, do you think I'm seeing things? Could it be a ghost?"

Isadora offered reassurance, "I don't know, Piper, but we'll get through this together."

Sophia approached, curious about the commotion. "What's going on?" she asked.

Piper's voice was laced with fear, "I saw Uncle Liam."

Sophia's response was firm but gentle, "Piper, you know that's impossible. He's dead."

Piper's eyes welled up with tears, and she clung to Isadora, seeking comfort. Isadora shot Sophia a look, urging her to be more supportive. "Let's finish shopping and head home, okay?" Isadora suggested, and Piper nodded.

As they left the mall, each of them was lost in their thoughts, wondering if it was indeed real or if it was just a trick of the mind.

The long-awaited day of Mrs. Adriana's birthday finally arrived, and the grand mansion swung open its gates to welcome a plethora of esteemed guests. Luxury vehicles streamed through the entrance, depositing dignitaries and VIPs who were eager to celebrate the occasion.

The mansion's exterior and interior were transformed into a breathtaking spectacle, showcasing elegance and refinement. As the evening unfolded, the estate became a hub of activity, filling to capacity with guests from all walks of life. The atmosphere was electric, with the sound of laughter, music, and conversation mingling in the air.

As the guests took their seats, the Emcee's voice boomed through the microphone, "Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the birthday celebrant, Mrs. Adriana!"

The room erupted in applause and cheers as Mrs. Adriana and her husband made their way to the stage, beaming with smiles.

With grace and poise, Mrs. Adriana took the microphone, "Thank you all for joining me on this special day. I'm thrilled to see so many familiar faces. Please, indulge in the food and drinks, and enjoy yourselves before the main celebration begins," she said, her voice warm and inviting.

The audience responded with enthusiastic applause and cheers once more, and Mrs. Adriana returned to her seat, accompanied by her husband, as the festivities continued.

Isadora's discontent was apparent as she reluctantly served the guests, her heart not in it. She longed to blend into the background, invisible and unnoticed. However, her circumstances dictated otherwise.

The atmosphere was overwhelming, with the scent of food, drinks, and perfume mingling in the air, making her stomach churn with nausea. She fought to keep her composure, donning the serving uniform like a shield.

As she approached a group of guests, she forced a courteous smile, "Good day."

One of the guests, a man, responded with a flirtatious remark, "What's a beautiful girl like you doing in a role like this?" His hand brushed against hers, making her skin crawl.

"With respect, that's not appropriate," Isadora firmly stated, her eyes flashing a warning.

She was aware that Mrs. Adriana's gaze was fixed on her, and Antonio and Maxwell were also observing her every move. From the corner of her eye, she saw Antonio's jaw clenched, his eyes blazing with anger as he glared at the man who had overstepped his bounds.

"You shouldn't be doing this," the man protested, but Isadora cut him off, pointing to the ring on his finger, "Focus on your wife or fiancée." With that, she turned and walked away, done with serving them.

As the main celebration commenced, Mrs. Adriana was invited to the stage once again, this time adorned in a stunning outfit that eclipsed her previous attire.

The room erupted in a harmonious rendition of the classic birthday song, followed by the presentation of gifts. Various individuals, including her husband, took the microphone to pay tribute to Mrs. Adriana.

Afterwards, she mingled with the guests, engaging in lively conversations and laughter. Meanwhile, Maxwell was engaged in a meeting with a group of individuals at one end of the room, while others indulged in food, conversation, and music, some even swaying to the rhythm of the songs.

Exhausted from her duties, Isadora sought refuge in the kitchen, sinking onto a stool as she pulled out her phone to unwind with some soothing music. She inserted her earphones and let the melodies transport her to a state of relaxation, her mind wandering away from the chaos of the celebration.

However, her tranquility was short-lived, as a gentle tap on her shoulder from behind broke the spell. She turned to face the worker, removing her earphones as they delivered the message, "Master Maxwell requests your presence. He's still in the meeting, and you're needed there." With that, the worker departed, leaving Isadora to make her way to the meeting.

As Isadora stood up, her phone and earphones still in hand, she let out a soft sigh. She made her way towards Maxwell, who noticed her approach and stepped away from the meeting to meet her.

"You sent for me?" she asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

Maxwell's request was direct, "I need you to retrieve a document from my room. It's on the left side of my desk, top drawer."

Isadora's eyes widened slightly, "Why me, sir? You have your personal assistants for such tasks."

Maxwell's response was matter-of-fact, "They're currently indisposed. I require your assistance. Get the document and bring it back to me." With that, he returned to the meeting, leaving Isadora to carry out the task, her mind wondering why she was chosen for this errand.

Isadora slipped on her earphones, the music drowning out the surrounding noise, and made her way to Maxwell's room, her footsteps guided by the familiar route. As she stood before the door to Maxwell's room, her instinct was to knock, but she hesitated, reasoning that everyone is at the party.

With a deep breath, she pushed open the door and stepped inside. But what she saw was the most shocking thing she had ever laid eyes on. The scene before her was so disturbing, so utterly unexpected, that it left her frozen in place. She knew in that instant that she had stumbled upon something she wasn't meant to see, something that would leave a lasting impact.