New Battle Lines

Isadora's mind was reeling with shock and disbelief. If she had suspected anyone of being capable of such deceit, it would have been Maxwell, not Mrs. Adriana. She knew Mrs. Adriana was wicked, no doubt about that but what she was seeing was completely unexpected, leaving her stunned. 

Isadora stood frozen in shock as she witnessed Mrs. Adriana and a man entwined in a passionate embrace on the very bed she shared with Maxwell. The scene before her was so surreal that she wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes. 

They were so consumed by their desire that they didn't even notice her standing there, a fact that Isadora found both astonishing and appalling. Their carelessness was staggering - hadn't they considered the possibility of being discovered? Shouldn't they have at least taken the precaution of locking the door?