The Truth Comes To Light

Maxwell's eyes widened in stunned disbelief as he gazed at the man before him. "This can't be real, I must be dreaming," he muttered, his mind struggling to process the impossible.

The man smiled knowingly, "I expected your shock, Maxwell."

Maxwell's voice trembled as he asked, "Liam, is that really you? But...but we saw your body, we buried you. Are you a ghost?"

Liam chuckled, "No, I'm flesh and blood. Touch me, if you need proof."

Maxwell hesitantly reached out and touched Liam's hand, his eyes widening in astonishment. "Oh my God, you're alive!"

Liam nodded, "Very much so. My death was staged, a clever ruse to protect me."

Maxwell's mind reeled as he tried to comprehend the revelation. "But why? And how did you...?" He trailed off, his eyes fixed on Liam's face.