Silencing The Chaos

Mrs. Adriana confronted Isadora, her voice dangerous. "You're the one who's trying to ruin my marriage!"

Isadora stood her ground, shouting back, "Yes, I'm pregnant with Maxwell's child, and I don't care what you think cause it was all a mistake and I wished it never happened!"

Mrs. Adriana's temper flared, her words spilling out in a torrent. "You think you can just waltz in here, pregnant with my husband's child? You're disgusting! You've been hiding your pregnancy under those loose clothes!"

Antonio stepped in, his eyes flashing a warning at Mrs. Adriana, daring her to come closer to Isadora.

Mrs. Adriana turned on her husband, her accusations flying. "You've done this before, haven't you? You got Lily pregnant, and now Isadora! You're replacing me because I can't have more children!"