Vantak's Return

With only a few days remaining on his new contract, Vantak decided that it was finally time to give his Master an answer. With the 1 month grace period coming to an end, he knew that his power would be necessary for his Master's survival. After all, Vantak has conquered most of the city and has an army of undead that had 5,000 soldiers ready to fight for the Master's cause.

He already offered permanent servitude to Travis because he saw him as a reasonable boss. After all Vantak's only other point of comparison was a man that was referred to as a "Demon King." The man tended to give strict punishments, whereas Travis didn't even punish him at all. This master was satiated as long as his safety wasn't compromised. It's like going from a boss that doesn't let you take a sick leave to a boss that gives you a paid day off every now and then.

 Unlike before where Vantak had to go all the way into the warehouse of the dumpsite, He saw Travis and the other servants waiting for him by the gate. Mira was the same as ever but the two new faces were quite the pair. An abomination in the Silver-grade, one that Vantak could compare to some of his best work in the past and a female swordsman that could challenge him in single combat.

"My liege, I have come for the contract renewal." Vantak didn't bother introducing himself, choosing to ignore the stare that the martial artist was giving him. 

"This new contract is a permanent one, And you're sure about this decision?"

"Of course, I believe that in challenging this new era my growth will be hastened. I can only imagine the materials that these new invaders have!" Vantak was but a boy when the new era opened up in his reality, now at the current peak of his powers he was more than willing to take on the challenge of invaders. 

[Vantak's contract has now become permanent.] 

"Perfect, your efforts have landed me in the top 12,000. A little more push would likely bring me higher in rank, your goal for the next week until the grace period is over would be to finish your quest. Leave no stone left unturned, Exterminate all threats in the city." Travis then turned to Yeram. "With Vantak getting a permanent contract, I can consider your suggestion now. We're moving to the gardens at the park up north, we can make a sustainable farm in that area. It's time for us to leave the dumpsite." 

Migrating out of the dumpsite was now their main goal. With all of their supplies and materials this would have taken more than just one trip, if not for the army that Vantak provided and the large body of Ara. 

It would take less than a day for them to finally set up in the new region. The gardens that he spoke of were part of a park, with a man-made lake in the middle. Uptown Lindburg was home to the rich folks of the city, Yeram could have her pick of the abandoned mansions and high-rise buildings. Travis on the other hand chose a large mansion that was close to the park. Setting up basic necessities and the solar panels to power his appliances, the conditions of the area was much more comfortable than what he's used to. Plumbing and waste disposal were the only problems at that point, where waste disposal can be handled by the undead Plumbing was a separate issue that was harder to fix. It was a problem for another time, after all he had an abundance of drinkable water the only thing it really affected was comfort. 

Vantak would use a thousand undead zombies and skeletons to defend his Master's new home, this left most of his troops outside with the task of cleaning up the city. While he didn't need to do this due to the three other companions that his Master summoned, Vantak still liked the idea of being the biggest contributor to the goal of his Master. 

Travis made use of the undead as workers, using some of them to fortify the fences of the park and the mansion. Filling the fences with dirt and debris. Due to his experience as a construction worker, Travis was also knowledgeable about where to find supplies in the city. Items like sand, gravel and bricks. 

Sustainability could come at a later time, for now he was securing the area to have a stable region for his camp. Plans of a farm and a pen for livestock were in his mind but his main goal at the moment was simply to have a fortified base. 

Ara due to being an undead, was a creature that no longer needed to rest. Ara's task is to constantly patrol the new region. The space that they were controlling was now far larger than the dumpsite, Ara snuffed out any new creatures that visited from a portal and most humans that were already in hiding feared her even more. 

Mira's task is still roughly the same as in the past, she would procure useful materials from abandoned department stores and clear monsters from the area. The extra muscle that the undead gave her was enough to make her trips much more efficient than before. The only reason this sort of thing wasn't done before was due to Travis and his meticulous eye for safety.

According to him moving in a larger group would only draw attention to her and as the only one that came back to the base regularly, she could expose his location. The need for this sort of thing is now gone, due to the fact that the city has been mostly cleared out by Vantak. 

And finally the strongest member of his group, Yeram Choi, She settled with having one of the other mansions in the area. Travis with the help of a few skeletons and an extra diesel generator were able to give her electricity, though working water was still difficult to give due to the main pipelines. Yeram would serve as the new sparring partner for Travis, having trained under a powerful sect she was the most fit among them to teach him Martial Arts.