Yeram Choi

Caution: Upon picking a Gold-grade or higher your next pool of recruits will be restricted to only Elite Bronze-grades or lower! 

Name: Yeram Choi

Combat Rating: [Basic Gold-Grade]

Description: A direct disciple of the Plum Blossom sect, dying at the age of 20 due to a realm-wide invasion. She sacrificed her life to protect the heir of the sect.

Contract Type: Permanent

Travis didn't care about who she was or what sort of life she lived before this new one. What mattered to him were two things. The combat rating and a permanent contract!

Short brown hair, violet doe eyes. She wore a purple and white garment with leather shoulder guards. A sword with a golden crossguard was strapped on her left hip. She gave him a bow but chose not to kneel. "Choi Yeram, from the Plum Blossom sect. I thank you for giving me a second chance at life sir Travis." 

The three other recruits from the gift have been loyal but to varying degrees. With Mira it was like having a personal guard, with Ara a master and servant relationship akin to a very obedient dog. For Vantak, despite the suspicions that Travis had with the necromancer he knew that just giving him a task that he wanted would keep him in control.

From the way that she carried herself to how she addressed him, Travis has felt something odd about this recruit. She reminded him of a teacher's pet, a stickler to the rules. She also had an air of arrogance to her, the kind that he mostly saw from the children of the rich, an air that he held a certain distaste to.

"In one week those in the gold-grade and above will be coming to this reality, my goal is self preservation. I need to live through the attacks, your aid will be necessary in this task. With your current combat rating, I assume that you have some problems with serving me as a master. So I'd rather hear it now than later." 

"I do not mind serving a master, but what I do mind is your lack of class." She moved forward. "An abomination serving my supposed Master? And this vile stench from your camp, How can I serve a master with no sense of self worth?"

'I knew that something was off.' Travis shook his head in disappointment. "Do I have to brief you on my abilities? Whatever I recruit from my ability will serve me, Ara is just like you. As much as I'd like to leave this place, I don't plan on doing so until Vantak has cleared most of the city." 

"There are too many variables in me leaving this place and I still see this place as a good hiding spot from the coming invaders. But to accommodate you, How about just living on your own at a building outside of the junkyard that way you won't need to deal with the smell." Travis stood up and led her to the door. "You can report here personally once a day. I'll send you a chat message if I need your service, I'm not expecting much all I want from you is your ability to use that sword. Mira can you lead her to a decent area outside? Take some supplies with you too." 

How did the old Travis deal with people that he didn't like? He had no other choice but to tolerate them of course. Giving a fake smile and pretending that he liked them was standard practice, but nowadays he had the power to say no. 

Yeram might be powerful but she was still under a permanent contract to serve him, she might be strong but her personality didn't mesh well with his own. Which is why the best solution that he could come up with was simple, keeping her at an arm's length. She could still serve him in her own way and he could keep her out of sight and only present when her power was necessary. 

She had a lot of complaints ready to be made but all of this would fall on deaf ears as she was guided out of the warehouse. "See, Ara? That's how we deal with annoying subordinates. We deal with them by limiting our interactions with them, even if she's individually the strongest among all of you I'd still prefer you and Mira over her. Any day of the week!"

When Yeram got the message that she would be sent back to the living realm, the excitement filled her with joy. Due to her noble sacrifice to protect the heir of the sect, the heavens should have been willing to take her but her past transgressions as an elitist who treated the common folk and her servants like trash made her judgement unclear. She was stuck in the state in between the two realms. Stuck in a room with nothing of note for the past 15 years.

The food that Mira provided her was the first thing she's tasted in ages and it showed. Like a soldier who has only eaten MREs for the past few weeks finally getting hold of their mother's cooking, Yeram was overjoyed at finally enjoying the benefits of a living body once more. 

Yeram is determined to reach her potential, one that was snuffed out far too early in her career. She was talented enough to be a direct disciple after all, reaching the Gold-grade at such a young age made her a stand out prospect among her peers. "A master with no tact at all... I need to serve that for a long time..." 

"No matter, If he wishes to call upon me he will do so. I'll enjoy the realm of the living for as long as I can." The brown-haired swordswoman meditated for a while, calming herself down. "Now that I think about it, Sir Travis did say that he was willing to move if this Vantak person finishes their work..."

Her meal that night was a pack of noodles, which she cooked over a small campfire. For protein she killed off a few monsters that she found in the area, giant snake meat was crude but meat was meat. While she disliked her supposed master's living quarters, she was not above living like a soldier. The traces of a child raised with a silver spoon were still there, they're just not as prominent as before due to the humbling 15 years she had in purgatory.