[You have proven yourself worthy, as someone who has reached the top 10,000 a special title will be bestowed on the user.]
[You have unlocked the title: Master of Otherworlders!]
Title: Master of Otherworlders
You are the first local to gain subservient entities that originate from other realms. This is a title that is limited to 1 person per reality. Beings from other worlds that serve you will see an increase in their growth rate and overall effectiveness in their craft, they will gain this benefit only through acknowledging that this came from you.
[You have unlocked the Top 10,000 chat group!]
[The following items will be rewarded to the user upon pressing this notification: Territory Claim Ticket 1x, Egg of a powerful creature 1x, Portal Scroll (Temporary) 2x]
[Territory Claim Ticket] 1x
Claim an area as your own, the size of the area is dependent on the amount of land that the person is currently in control of. Trespassers will receive penalties while Allies will receive boons in accordance to the Owner's preference. Rip to claim the area.
Current eligible area. [Click to view]
The eligible area involves the entirety of the park and the mansion that Travis was staying in. He wasted no time in ripping the ticket.
[Congratulations, you have claimed a territory. The Territory management tab has been unlocked!]
[Unknown Egg] 1x
The egg will hatch in 3 days.
The egg he received was the size of a basketball, with a cerulean blue color. He chose to leave it with Noah for now.
"We can use these portal scrolls to escape if everything does go to shit. For now I'll check on what this Territory tab can give me."
[Number of Friendly Units: 0]
[Number of Allied Units: 1,003]
[Due to the fresh territory the following boons are free for all friendly or allied units (24 Hours): Bolster, Strengthen, Hasten.]
[Buildings are required to maintain and create boons.]
[Number of hostile units: 631]
[No penalties are currently active.]
[Buildings are required to maintain and create penalties.]
[Note: To unlock a building type, the user must have the blueprints.]
"I've seen this in the trade tab before, they're usually far too expensive to trade for." Travis tossed that thought away for now.
"Noah, there's a total of 631 hostiles in our area, I want you to guide Vantak back here to defend the territory. The troops will benefit greatly from his return. We want everyone here or at least near this area if we're forced to run. Give Ara the sign to go back too."
The number of hostiles were slowly dwindling but these were only the ones that already got in. There were thousands of forces outside of the territory, multiple were fighting against each other but those that knew of this city beforehand were headed for the center.
"Sir, Vantak is preoccupied. It appears that the Ahagins have brought in paladins. Lady Yeram is also preoccupied, demons above the Silver-grade are in the area." Noah presented a replay of the demon taking down a silver-grade from the Plum-blossom sect.
"... It seems like our loss is inevitable. Noah, do you know how titles work?"
"While I do not have any of them myself, In old textbooks it is stated that they should be equipped for their abilities to be activated."
"Status" Travis opened his status screen to immediately equip the new title.
Title: Master of Otherworlders, Top Ranker (Local rank: 9,721)
Combat Rating: [Elite Bronze-Grade]
Name: Travis Montes
Mana: 300/300
Internal Energy: 14,700/14,700
Innate Ability: Claws
God's gift: Mercenary Recruitment
The notification prompts appeared right in front of all of his recruits.
[Your master's title is now active, do you acknowledge "Travis Montes" as your Master?]
"Growth rate and effectiveness in your craft, I don't know how much it'll increase it but a buff is a buff." Travis looked through the screens and upon seeing no changes from his side, He knew that abandoning some of his troops might be necessary.
"What do the both of you know about these Temporary Portal Scrolls?" Travis wasted no time in trying to find information on the scrolls, if they could land him in a safer reality then he didn't mind leaving his original one.
"I was a non-combatant in my past life Lord Travis, but from what I can gather these portals lets you travel to one of the 10 closest realities to your current one. I suggest picking realms with the Terran, Earth or Murim prefixes." Noah then got right back into issuing orders and providing information to the rest of the troops.
"Mira, what's the difference between Terran and Earth prefixes?" Travis has heard of the Terran and Earth prefixes before and he was also knowledgeable about the Murim prefix, but he needed a distinct difference between the first two to decide.
"Those who have chosen the Terran prefix are under the Terran Regiments sir, they use credits as a currency and are part of the largest human faction. While Earth prefixes are those that are not under such a banner, most earth prefixes are similar to this reality, where the rulers are mostly human." Mira's original reality was an Earth prefix, but due to a deal made "50" years ago they were absorbed by the Terran regiments.
"This means that our safest options right now are the Terran and Murim ones, got it." Travis then opened up the chat tab.
"Do any of you know how long these portals last?" This question was present for both of them, his next actions would be based off of this.
"About an hour at the longest sir. There are permanent portals as well but those are far rarer." Noah once again gave him the information he needed.
"Do you think you can move enough of our supplies to set up a camp in the new realm?" Travis asked the engineer of his group.
"It will depend on our location my lord, but this should be doable especially with the extra hands that the undead will provide us."
Travis would then send a message to both Vantak and Yeram.
"I have opened a temporary portal at the mansion. You have a time limit of less than an hour to follow us, should you not reach the area within the appointed time your main goal will then be to survive until our eventual return. Vantak you have permission to go all out as always, all I want from you is the constant updates in regards to your own safety. Yeram, you have permission to go back to your home realm with your friends. All I ask for constant updates. Godspeed to the both of you!"