Vantak's New plan

"You've got to be kidding me!" 

The Ahagin forces found their natural enemies far more threatening than the necromancer. "Why mussst thesssse BUTIKANSsss ALWAYSsss FOLLOW USSS?" 

The Ahagins and the Butikans both come from the same home realm, two races of intelligent creatures that hate each other with a passion. Vantak could and should have used this opportunity to run but the potential of a corpse in the Gold-grade was simply far too rare to come by. 

Upon seeing his master's message Vantak didn't even think of going to the portal. 'This is why I chose the permanent contract! HAHAHA free reign over what I wanted to do? Isn't this the same as being resurrected for free?'

Without needing to think of his Master's safety, Vantak got the bright idea of pooling all of his forces back at the territory. The buffs provided for his undead and himself would make his next goal easier to do. 

'I can just let my troops do all the fighting, without the need to protect master I can just hide and take my sweet time in taking everyone down! How lovely, these reptiles are basically giving me free material now that they're fighting each other!' 

Turning his whole body into a cloud of green smoke, Vantak travelled through the sky and observed the city from above. As a magic user he could sense the mana of the strongest spellcasters in the city. 'Demons in the Gold-grade, Monsters from an Amos realm and multiple spellcasters from an Earth realm.' 

In the last few hours the city of Lindburg has turned into a free for all between various factions. It would take a while before everything settles down, Vantak needed to do quite a few things if he wanted to survive. One of which is to hide himself from the more powerful spellcasters. 

These spellcasters were likely capable of dispelling his necromancy and if their discover his location, then Vantak would likely lose in a spellcasting duel. The second thing that he needed to keep in mind is the location of the demons, while he has worked with demons in the past interacting with them is not advised at all. 'If they're visiting a new realm, then that can only mean that they aim to rule it.' 

With the Ahagin and Butikan now preoccupied with one another, Vantak knew that this was the right time to slip away. Most of his troops have moved back into the Central park, the buff provided by the territory would be used to bolster his troops. These troops will act as his bait, urging his opponents to think that he is protecting himself with them. 

While the real Vantak hid himself in the sewers. This strategy was one that he based off of Travis, one that misleads his opponents while he sits pretty in a safe location that his opponents wouldn't even check. He could revel in the chaos while not being in any danger himself, a strategy suited for a necromancer. 

As someone who cleared the riffraff off of the area, Vantak was quite knowledgeable about the layout of the city. He knows about each hiding spot that the humans used, making it easy for him to hide himself from the more powerful threats in the city. He plans on filtering through the weaker corpses and stealing away the parts he wanted from the Gold-grades that fall during combat. 

Vantak found the old bunker that some humans in the area used, filled with supplies that could last him for a few weeks. A new home for the necromancer, one that he could use not just to laze around and hide but also to observe the immediate surroundings. A few cameras and screens were present in the bunker, powered by a diesel generator. He could be almost as effective as when Noah was guiding him. 

Vantak watched as a demonic spellcaster in the gold-grade got in between the Ahagin and Butikans. Wielding magic that is only accessible to demons, it is said that even the weakest among the spellcasters of demon-kind were at the elite silver-grade. Their usage of magic was comparable to a human child learning how to breathe. It came to them naturally, as such they barely gave names to their spells. 

The demon who had the appearance of a human boy merely waved its hand as it cut through a dozen butikan soldiers. A feat that Vantak could only gawk at, there was no chanting involved the spell was done through a simple manipulation of mana. It had to be precise and the vast amount of mana used for such an effect was not lost on him either. 

Hiding was clearly the right choice, slaughtering the rest of them wouldn't be a problem at all but risking his safety was another thing all together. Vantak would continue in expanding his army but soon enough he knew that leaving the area would be inevitable. 

"I regret to inform you that I could not reach the portal in time, but one thing is guaranteed my liege, I will be gathering more merit points for you while I await for your return!" This was the message that Vantak sent to Travis while he cleared the new invaders from the sewers. 

"Keep yourself alive Vantak, while it's unclear how much the title is affecting you I can at least guarantee that it'll help you in your growth." This was the last message that the master would send Vantak for a while, the dark elf was now on his own.

Expansion was normal during the initial stages of the new era, due to how outclassed the other invaders were. Vantak was simply far too powerful all on his own, but this time around he had to contend with beings that were comparable to his superiors back in the demon king's old army. He had to prioritize survival and keeping a low profile. 

Using the sewers to travel out of the city, Vantak would send out hundreds of soldiers to the smaller towns in the area. Looking for more land to conquer and for extra materials. 'I can still observe the city, but for now I must prioritize survival. Snagging a gold-grade corpse would be ideal but it's easy to say and hard to do. They are likely weary of me, Necromancers are a rare existence after all.'