Leading the charge!

The assault squad that normally consists of only 2 members, now had 20 additional members. 

Vantak who reached Basic Gold-grade just the day before, was ecstatic. Not only did his master hasten his growth, but he also provided pawns at the silver-grade. Travis did warn him about their questionable motives, choosing to send them to the wolves instead of integrating them into the island. 

On a boat made out of bones, the visiting troops moved towards the fallen city of Lindburg. They were all under the command of Vantak and Hamak. While all of them are used to combat in the new era, they couldn't prepare themselves for the sights in the city. The destroyed buildings and the sound of battle were common place but seeing servants of light fighting against demons was a scene that many would choose to flee from. 

Demons themselves were volatile and hostile to all other living things, but the servants of light are fanatics. One was assured destruction while the other will try to indoctrinate you into a cult. Pick your poison, one pretends to be good while the other was honest about their purpose. It's mostly known throughout the high rankers or anyone that still had access to the internet that they were one of the most toxic kinds of humans in the multiverse. 

What's worse is that they reject the notion of other gods, meaning that the locals who have all received a gift from the gods are all subject for extermination. Except for a select few with gifts that are related to the gods that they worship.

"Once we reach the ports, Captain Vantak will be leading the main troops. Our base is the docks, It is well-defended by the skeletal mages. Lord Travis has already given you all the information you need, I will be taking the reigns in leading the charge. If you're not used to killing your own kind, then I suggest just staying here with the defenders of the port." Hamak, the Orc Warlock was aware of how new the era of portals was to these humans. To him they seemed like green-horns who were talented and powerful but might lack the heart to kill those that looked like their brethren. 

"Hamak, I have about 250 Silver-grade undead on standby. You can bring all of them with you. I'll take on the responsibility of saying hello to our friends from the Abyss." Vantak had a total of 10 Gold-grade undead, coming from both sides of the battle. Six demons and Four corpses from the Light fanatics. Adding to this was his larger pool of mana, He was confident in going to the north all on his own. "The Permanent portal scroll is with Hamak, there's a total of 3 Gold-grades in that area. Avoid them at all costs, it's not a frontal assault. Just close off the permanent portal and watch them squirm." 

The tactic that Hamak thought off was a simple one, using the 20 local humans as the infiltration squad he will be at the forefront commanding the large amount of Silver-grade undead. Taking the attention of most of their forces, while the humans led by William Nguyen will be the ones handling the sealing of the permanent portal. 

An operation that would take more than just a few days, but it was worth it considering the size of the area that will be captured once they finish their task. And while they were doing their best to seal the portal Vantak raised undead left and right, now gaining merit points for his master at an alarming rate. The jump to Gold-grade was nothing to scoff at.

This push would lead to a rapid increase in rank for Travis, placing more than just a handful of eyes to notice him. It was the second coming of Vantak the necromancer and with the added mana he received and his experience in creating abominations, in the week that followed multiple Elite Silver-grade abominations would be created. All with the use of demon corpses. 

The reports that Travis received from both Vantak and Hamak that week were ones to smile about. "It seems like Vantak and Hamak are enjoying themselves, we won't be seeing them for a while but hopefully the next time that we do so. Lindburg will be ours for the taking."

"Master Travis, we have intruders. No announcements, just aggressive ones coming from the north." Noah sounded stressed, ever since the Western Alliance left for Europe, any and all allies or those with an agreement with that faction has been targeted. 

"If they're not announcing themselves then let Zekna eat them. Tell Walter to sink their boats, If Walter and Daban get tired just report it to me. We'll let Gitax handle them." The safety focused Travis was unusually giddy about the coming attacks, he held a distinct advantage against the foes who deem themselves worthy of invading his territory. Travis was simply happy about the fact that for every single local that attacked him, more merit points would arrive. Some of them even dropped valuable items, like the internal energy pills that he has been looking for since the beginning. 

"Hahaha! Guests are arriving more often now! Is it not fun Mogbean?" Walter was sweating buckets, but he retained his smile. "Fetch me another batch of ammo!" 

"On it!" Mogbean ran down the stairs of the defense tower, lugging a crate filled with used shells. "Oi! Skellies! You heard the man! More ammo! MORE AMMO!" 

At the beaches of the island, Ara the abomination was once again having a feast. Mira led the troops, commanding both the undead and the personal squad that Travis entrusted to her. Gen her fellow Elite Bronze-grade watched her back while the ace of their small unit was Nerbak the Ahagin swordsman. They gave enough room for Walter to snipe or for Daban to clear the area with powerful spells. 

"Gitax, I'm getting a bit annoyed by the fight outside. Can you give our friends a hand?" Travis looked through a flat screen, it gave him a bird's eye view of the territory. To his left was a panel that gave him a number on how many hostiles there were. "They'll soon be overwhelmed by numbers, Head South East. At least a handful of Silver-grades are coming." 

"It shall be done, My Liege." Gitax gave a bow before giving the lazy Deltrax a glare. 'Intolerable behavior, the master is clearly doing his best to defend the region by leading us yet all he does is laze around.'

Travis watched as the number went from 564 to 237 in a few seconds. 'I need more Gold-grades that listen, it's a shame that I'm stuck with another Bronze-grade tomorrow. I just hope that the selection gives me some useful picks again.'

"They gave me those soldiers to help me defend myself against the power vacuum that they left behind, I wonder how long their trip to Europe would actually take?" Travis continued to watch the live feed. "I can only wonder what would happen to those that don't have any Gold-grades, are they being slaughtered by those that oppose the Western Alliance?"