Visitors from the South

Mira and Noah despite their low ranks as mere Elite Bronze-grades, have been the leading force in terms of defending the island. While the main muscle has been either the Evolved Flame Demon, Gitax or Zekna the Sea serpent. Deltrax, despite being one of the strongest summons is off lazing around. He acts as the last layer of defense for the base.

Visitors from the top 10k come every now and then. It is Zekna's job to not let a single boat go through. There are groups that seek to ally with him but far more of them now see the independent faction as a target. Choosing not to fully integrate himself with the Western Alliance came with a few downsides. 

Mira's scouting and defense party consists of a handful of members. All of which uses Ara as a vehicle to move around the island with ease. Any boats that do land are welcomed by the snake-spider abomination and the rest of Mira's group.

Walter and Daban would keep the skies clean, while Noah fed everyone information through their communicators. Walter's shots came from either a mana cannon that can shoot down boats or his trusty sniper that has been with him since he came out of a clone vat. Daban acted as either a barrier maker or artillery, Noah guided both of them to the location of enemies that the first few layers might have missed.

"Master Travis, we have visitors who have come bearing a white flag." Noah informed Travis through the communicator, which is a device that heavily resembles a walkie talkie. "They don't seem to be from the Western alliance, seeing as I don't have any messages from that group. Tell them to state their business before I order Walter to shoot them down. I want to hear what they have to say at least."

"Noted Sir, I'll patch their message to your communicator." Noah's drones were flying around the three boats. "You are breaching our territory, the Master of this Territory demands that you state your purpose."

"We come in peace! I have personally sent a message to the Master of Otherworlders! I have personally come to strike a deal with your Master!" The voice came from an old man in his 60s. 

Scion of Vishnu (Top 3,333): To the Master of Otherworlders, we come in peace. I have recently set up a territory, south of your region. I am here to strike a deal regarding an alliance.

"Welcome them to the island, as always any sign of malice will be treated with hostility." Travis was willing to talk, normally he would have shooed them away but the fact that they come from a nearby region was alarming to him. "Let Zekna and Gitax escort them, it would do them well to know that I have a few Gold-grades under my command." 

"Deltrax, follow me outside for a bit. We have some guests." Flaunting his Gold-grades has been a key part of his peace talks with the Western Alliance, he plans to do the same for the visitors that are currently being welcomed to his island. 

The whole group that landed were local humans that seem to be of Indian descent. Their only difference from a regular human were the additional arms that they had on their backs, with most of them having two extra arms with some of them including the old man who sent him the message had 6 total arms.

All of them were jacked like body-builders on steroids, each of them was at least in the Intermediate Bronze-grade or in the Elite Bronze-grade. With the 6-armed individuals at Basic Silver. 

"Greetings to the Master of Otherworlders, I am Ayansh Singh." The old man held a balled fist next to an open palm and gave him a slight bow. 

"Travis Montes, It's a pleasure." Travis gave him a nod in return. "We can discuss the matters that you wish in a more comfortable area, please follow me. Mira lead the rest of the guests to the open field, Gen please prepare some food for our guests. I'm not too sure but I believe that any form of meat is banned?" 

The nod of confirmation from the leader was enough for Travis. "We have fruits and vegetables, this will not be a problem. Once again, please follow me."

Travis led them to the Strengthening tower, this building has become his training area and general living space ever since it was finished building. "I assumed that a truce is what you were looking for Mr. Singh."

"But it seems clear that you are looking for something more, I'd like to hear a reason as to why. After all with your troops, I assume that you're mostly safe when traveling around the world. You had a handful of silver-grades. Offering an alliance with me would mean that you didn't take the offer from the Western Alliance... please do explain your reasoning." Gen arrived and served them some fruit bowls. Travis simply eyed the man that wished to ally with him. 

"I have no reason to lie Sir Travis, my people were sent a message from the Western Alliance. At first we assumed that it would help us in the coming months, yet it only put a target on our backs. We were provided troops to defend our base but... we were overwhelmed. We were forced to flee our home further down south and as I've told you we moved to the area south of your region." The old man seemed to be speaking the truth. The old man was also only at the Silver-grade, with no signs of mana usage it was obvious that they haven't joined the alliance that the Strong-armed magician created. 

"That explains the reason why you came here, but what about the deal with the Western Alliance? Why didn't you accept his offer? It would have raised everyone's overall combat rating, you would have had a chance to defend your lands." Travis ate a few pieces of sliced apple, still unsatisfied by the response. 

"A difference in belief, as well as the need to not be controlled by others. Everyone that has signed a contract with any of the leading figures of the Western Alliance has become nothing more than a slave to their biddings. My fellow monks and I believe in order but to fully control another person's actions through their contracts is something that we can not abide by." Mr. Singh would go on to explain the current situation in their base, he was seeking an alliance because it would be beneficial to his group. They were willing to be under him so long as they kept their free will. 

'Then he's talking to the wrong person, I might let my mercenaries do whatever they want but I still keep them around to further improve my selfish way of living. They might have their own goals but I prioritize my own goals over their own... I'm not the kind of ally that he's looking for.' Travis thought to himself as he listened to the tail end of the old man's discussion. 

"All right, I've already said this to the Western Alliance and I plan on saying it to every faction that comes through peacefully. All I can offer you is a truce, my base isn't suited to take on more people and sending Zekna or any of my Gold-grades to guard you is also out of the question. The only thing I can guarantee is that if you come to my territory seeking refuge in the future, then by all means we will welcome you." Just as he was about to finish his statement, a light bulb dinged in his head. "Your troops are only 3 hours south of this location, if you have goods to trade then I'm more than willing to trade with credits or the appropriate troops. I am currently in search for more internal energy pills, if you can provide this for me then I can lend you Gitax for a day or two." 

At this offer the eyes of Ayansh Singh began to light up, this was the closest thing to what he was looking for. This way both sides would be satisfied, it was a win-win. "But of course, I can also offer a few blueprints Mr. Montes." 

"Hahahah now that's what I'm talking about!" Travis couldn't help but laugh, in his mind he didn't think that getting the resource that he wanted would be as simple as lending out a Gold-grade. 'Mercenary Recruitment, It seems that it's my turn to let others do the same.'