"The person who destroyed the pirate captain, he recently reached the rank of 173... He is rising through the rankings at a rapid pace." This message was sent in a small chat group consisting of only four members.
"Oh? Then he has potential, has your oracle given you any other details on this individual?" This person held his epithet from the top 10k chat panel. The One who scoffs (Top 70), a high ranker that has been a popular figure of the large group chat. He often saves refugees in exchange for their servitude.
"Based on my readings, he seems to have declined the offer from the Strong-armed magician." The first message sender, ranked 511 was this group's weakest member. Though his utility was not to be questioned. "They sent out their usual gift of spies and he didn't fall for it, the man sent them out to a warzone without a second thought."
"HAHAHAH that's the way to do it, those dumbasses love waving their dicks around by giving 'Gifts' but it's obvious that they're just spies. I already like this guy, the time to make our move is coming soon and having this guy as an ally doesn't sound too bad." Ranked in the 300s, this individual's name in the chat is 'Relic Maker'. "We can use some of my items to bring him over to our side."
"Whether he joins us or not doesn't really matter, what matters is that we secure Europe right from under the European powers." Ranked 8 and the main reason for this group's existence, originating from Greece. "The one who commands the seas." Is his title. A relatively quiet individual who has been biding his time behind the scenes. Though all of Greece is now under his control, he is a man that's looking for more.
The four stars is what they call themselves, powerful figures on this earth realm that have yet to show their fangs. Factions that are similar to them are appearing left and right, each trying to oppose the strongest in the world. The European powers with two members in the top 20, the Western Alliance led by Strong-arm and the warring regions all over Asia. Not to mention the constant stream of forces from realms that have opened up a permanent portal leading to the realm, it was a shit fest and those with a bit of a brain already decided who to ally themselves with to survive.
"Hahaha calm down boss, we won't need to engage with this Master of Otherworlders directly. Remember the old Indian man that we saved a while back?" The Relic Maker was smiling as he sipped on a bit of wine. "He appears to have made contact with this high ranker already, I'm sure he could put in a good word for us. I'll send out some personal envoys, it's hard to resist a few gifts from one such as I hehehehe"
"Don't waste too much of your resources, We'll need all of our powers combined to even dent the European borders. A large-scale war is inevitable, if we can win this individual to our side then it's even better."
In a roundtable on a floating castle, a discussion between the representatives of the Western Alliance and the European powers is currently taking place.
"So you mean to tell me that the West is taken care of? When after leaving for only a week, multiple survivors who chose to have a peace treaty with you have fallen?" A tall but fat man scoffed, clearly displeased with the Western Alliance.
"Oi, oi! I know we're supposed to be guests here but you're starting to get on my nerves Fatso." The red-eyed king didn't want to take the disrespect, especially since only two people from the other side were stronger than him. "The matter in the west is for us to handle, you called us here to make an alliance yet here we are, almost 2 weeks later with no one budging on both sides. Don't fuck with me, the reason we're losing allies in the west is because none of you can agree to a deal!"
"Enough, Red eyes... here I was thinking we could still strike a deal. Our progress in the West is now unraveling, if your vote is still unclear then we will take our leave. The peace treaty has been finished and both factions will no longer go after one another... this should be enough." The Strong-armed magician, Abraham was done with the pleasantries. 'I'm not coming out of it with nothing, it just feels worse because we pushed for something better.'
"We wish you the best of luck against the invading forces of the Terran Realms." This was the last statement that came out of Abraham's mouth as he led his group back to their floating headquarters.
"Now why did you have to make a scene, Baldo?" A woman in her 30s, seemingly of European descent with red hair and green eyes. She placed her hand on Baldo's face before strangling him with one hand. "I remember telling you to be civil! Did I not tell you that it will reflect on our Lord's name! YOU WISH TO TARNISH THE NAME OF HIS HIGHNESS!"
"Stop." One word caused her to let go of him. All five other members of the European Powers looked towards the direction of their leader. The blonde and blue-eyed royal, Arthur Winsor.
"There was no point in the discussions after all, I will lead us to where we need to be. Continue with our plans so far, these invaders from Terra have taken far too much of our brethren. It is time to stop them from advancing. Bring in those that wish to be knighted, recapture all of the cities that wish to fight for our cause." The Prince of Wales, A royal who only uses a last name whenever it was needed. The sole survivor of the royal family and the current number 2 in the world rankings.
Standing at the top of Gold-grade, he was the leader of the European powers.
"It's time for us to make our move, while putting Abraham under my control would have been ideal, we are still the strongest faction on this side of the hemisphere. I expect nothing but the best from all of you, A disappointment like this one shall not happen again. Am I clear?" The royal began to walk to the balcony.
"Yes, My Lord!"
"I will ensure that it is so, Your Highness."
"Let them deal with the problems in the West, Our goal is all of Europe and even further to the east. I shall be inevitable, the world has changed yet here I am... still standing at the top." The others knelt on the ground, not a single one of them dared to look up.
"Send a message to my roundtable, tell them to mobilize. These invaders shall see the full might of humanity."
"Lady Diana! We will soon arrive in the airspace of the Master of Otherworlders." A man wearing a whole set of armor, he appears to have pale white skin and a handsome face.
"Perfect, I heard that a Sea Serpent was under his control." The woman was smiling from ear to ear. Her floating castle finally arrived to her destination. Above the island of the fastest rising ranker, It was time for her to meet this individual.
The moon was full and her servants were at their strongest. It was the perfect time for a vampire to visit.