Chapter 4: Shinjuku

"Is this a new Nazi experiment?" A soldier asked his fellow partner.

"I don't know. But from our information we have gathered, it can be that he is an abomination just like that freak from the Nazis. They are of course, conducting new race—Aryans, the supernatural powerful weapon"

Aryans? Wait! It means we are in the World War II era.

Before I would have spoken anything. Kaizo knocked them down.

"What are you doing, you damn idiot!? We can get information from them!" I yell at him.

"We can't. They are just minions. They only follow the instructions given to them by higher authority. My memory is not good so far due to something unusual happening during my summoning. I am sure you know enough things" he asked me.

I looked around my location. I can't say that I know my location, "From what I read in my history book, Imperial Japan and Nazi rise of power happened during World War II. But because the atomic bomb hasn't been thrown up yet. So, before August 1945. I can't put up exact date when all this happened"

"So, according to you, in which area of Japan we are here?"

"In my opinion, there are fewer people. And you can see Mount Fuji. It means that we are in Tokyo city. Maybe in one of the special wards"

We make our way deeper into the streets and while hiding from people. We got near the red gate welcoming us. An entrance gate.

"Nemuranai Machi, what's this place at all?" He asked in confusion.

"We are in Shinjuku! Nemuranai Machi means sleepless town but this name should not be in the entrance gate at all! We are in Kabukichō district which is an entertainment district! But—" I stop my word.

I saw…a theater. I know it is a common thing in the world. But, this theater is special. It should not exist in actual history. This thing is something beyond my history. Kabuki theater. It should not exist. Idea of Kabuki came during the 1940s but this idea became an idea in the future. People are walking in samurai themed costumes. Kabuki is basically offset weird shit. A theater which shows folk dance sequences in samurai action.

"What happened?" Kaizo asked with a suspicious glare.

"We didn't time travel…we are in an alternate timeline!" I told him.

We get more in the area itself. Kabuki looks more cultural and advanced (not in technology).

"You are from here. I guess to the point how much you know about this country's streets. So, tell me…do you think which time period it is? Also, what is an alternate timeline?"

Now, I have to explain to this cowboy thug about how the timeline works.

"Before I explain this to you, let me tell you about the timeline. Timeline is the way to represent the time of certain events that happened in a particular period of time. Like how men discover fire and then they start to wear clothes and that's all shit which happened in a particular time" I explain to him the concept of timeline in short manner. "And alternate timeline which means basically hole in your timeline. You can say, if you married a person in your timeline but in another timeline, you married someone else. This is an alternate timeline" I explain to him in short.

"You are a genius," he told me.

"You use the word genius which means you are a person who existed after Rome civilization came to existence. A Latin speaker or English speaker. I can't speak but you are basically born after 753 BC" I guess from which time period he is from.

He looked shocked at first but he hid his smirk.

"You are of course a genius. You are able to get to the first part without anyone's help. I think your future is better. But let me warn you that…she doesn't like those people who pose a danger like you. Just null our contract or…your future will go worse as more you will go into the depth. You will die on this journey" I can see his hidden smirk. He is trying to act that he is emotionless but he is not.

He started to laugh.

"I was just joking with you. I hope that I didn't scare you!"

"Very funny!!!" He really scared me.

As more we move into the area. We reached the place.

"We should go now!" I tried to run away but he caught me by my clothes.

"What we have here—" he also stopped the words coming.

The greatest entertainment in the boys is here, especially the virgin males.

The place of Japan. They love night hotels. Love hotels. The place where females show their rent at night. Males lose their virginity.

All types of girls in different clothes are inviting Kaizo. While showing their body.

"You Japanese got heaven on earth for sure" he inspected every girl he could see. "Japanese girls are something else!" He smiled and blush.

Suddenly, a burst was released. Flames. Whole area, the whole love hotel area, the street got burned up , was…burned up. Fire coming towards me. But Kaizo jumped in and saved me. His badass scarf black which got burned up in this process.

I see the person who burned up this place. She is standing in the middle of this destruction.

The girl is very beautiful. I am not lesbian or bisexual! I am straight! I love hot males! Back to the story. She is taller than me maybe. From an inch. She is around 168 cm in height. She is a beautiful young woman. Her hair is long, brilliant red in color. She is wearing a formal white gown. She is looking like some sort of celebrity.

She disappeared. Wait!

"What are you?" She suddenly appeared in front of us. She is not looking at me but towards Kaizo.

Wait! Did she teleport through flames?

She passed through me and went toward Kaizo. "No way. You are…Nexarite. How did you get summoned here?" She asked.

Her face somewhat resembles someone I know. Not personally but like she is some sort of actress.

I got between them. Her eyes are cold.

"Who are you?! Why do you do this explosion flame? Also, what is Nexarite? I am his summoner!"

She checked on me. Then her eyes got over my hand. She is looking at the wrist watch band from which I had talked with Yusuke-san.

She picked up my hand. "How did you get this?" She stared at me coldly.

"I don't know!" She is scary.

"Get your hands out of my japanese girl" Kaizo grabbed her hand.

She lost her grip over my hand.

"I am Brillith Eralith"

"Sorry! I am very sorry mam!!! Oh my heroine! How did you get here?! I am sure you killed those filthy beings for a good reason. Can I get your autograph?! My name is Higashi Hikari!" I spoke and bowed down each time as per word.

"What the hell are you doing?" Kaizo asked me.

I explained everything to my Hero!

"Let me guess. He told you to move back from the monitor screen in three steps towards the northeast? This is where that time axis project got activated. That bastard!" She cursed Yusuke-san.

Author Note!

1. So, yeah. Finally, we get to see Priestess Brillith Eralith!

2. Brillith bust size is 78. [Mf where are the other two measurements] okay, her hip is 70 and waist is 33.

3. I am a universal pervert!

4. I did a lot of research on Japan's cities to gain historical and other information.

5. Brillith means friendly. It is male name but I used it for Female character. Damn! I am not an American or European guy!

Eralith means…nothing in my opinion. A fictional name. (This might be a tbate reference)

6. She is a fire magician.