Chapter 5: Time error

The situation is very complex to say. The whole world is now getting complex due to this shit.

"We shouldn't stay here. Soldiers will come here" my heroine said.

"Of course. Why wouldn't they notice us? You already had burned down the whole heaven shops that were here" Kaizo complained to her.

Brillith gave him a bad scary look.

"So, can you explain the situation?! I know you had a good reason to use this high level fire magic!" I try to save my hero's action!

"Well, those men were trying to touch me. So, I burn up everyone" she replied.

Kaizo is inspecting something.

"You really got a good bust but your personality is trash," Kaizo said.

"Aatsamat!" She mutters the spell within her breath.

Her whole body turned pure red flame and another large explosion unleashed on Kaizo at minimum length that only targeted him.

"What?!" I am shocked!

She killed my summon!

When the smoke clears and flames calm down. I saw Kaizo standing like nothing had happened.

"What is happening?!" I am all confused.

"As expected, you are definitely a powerful spirit even though you don't know your identity and nor Hikari can understand you," the priestess spoke.

She backs away and starts to walk towards the destroyed path to move into the depth of the city. We got nothing but to follow her.

The device on my wrist starts to beep up and turn weird…I can't describe shit. A hologram projection appeared. The face which appeared is that of Yusuke-san. He is floating.

"Hey! Brillith! Hikari! Look! I am floating!" He excitedly flew.

Brillith looked towards the screen, "What is happening there?"

"Well, let me explain to you, my dear friend, I am flying!"

"No. I don't care about that. How are you communicating with us? Also, what the hell is happening?"

Yusuke thought about an excuse maybe.

"Well, the look of this…doesn't make a good scene for our date because there is nothing" he said.

"What do you mean?" My curiosity got over me.

"Good question! The answer to this question is that… the universe is falling" he answered without hesitation.

Even Brillith is shocked to hear. Her cold serious expression fell down. "What?"

"Something happened in the past which caused this timeline to change its path. To the point, this present which is likely to be the future from that perspective becomes null. The entirety of creation falls apart. Our research center is saved due to an abnormal situation which means that this research lab exists even after the timeline is changed or we get overthrown from the timeline of our universe" he laughed.

"What does this mean? If you got overthrown…how are you communicating with us right now?" I asked calmly even though I am most scared.

"Let's say, when time travel happened. A hole made up in space-time due to that, a vacuum still exists. And it bent our universe to nothingness. So, with the radio waves method, we can still talk. Which means this nothingness is…like abandoning possibility where errors are happening"

"So, you are telling me that due to some error which is caused by the timeline, what allows you to communicate with us?" Brillith raised her eyebrows at this.

He nodded his head in a smiling manner. How can he smile at this thing? Is he even thinking? I doubt that he is even human.


"Tell me, what does this world record even say? If everything there become possibility then it should be something else"

"Let's see. In this world, Nazi and Imperial Japan together first attacked America to take them down somehow which is very coincidence. Maybe there is something they got which allows them to take down the whole of America. So, it is possible that they took down America before they were able to get their hands on Albert Einstein. Not only that but they took down the USSR. Which is impossible. Even with all the weapons and resources, Imperial Japan and Nazi can't even think about taking that country down" Yusuke quickly gave us a report.

"So, it is an alternate timeline hole thing you explained?" Kaizo whispers in my ear.

I nod my head.

"So, an abnormality exists in this timeline which shouldn't exist?" Brillith added to her question.

"Yes" Yusuke gave the final answer.

I said the final answer because suddenly the connection got lost.

As we were going. We were all surrounded by soldiers. Each soldier is wielding the type 5 version rifle which is the latest version that was used in the very end of world war ii.

"Should I take care?" Kaizo asked me.

"Why are you asking me?!"

"You are my summoner"

I nod my head. "As long as you don't die, then we are fine"

Kaizo literally disappeared from my eyes.

As quickly, without anything. Rifles broke down and soldiers lay dead.

"What have you done?!" I yell at him.

Kaizo didn't respond. He is barbaric. What type of sins I had done which caused this thug to be put in my life?!

"It's okay. Those soldiers should already be dead. They don't exist in our timeline. If we need to make everything correct then these actions should be taken. The one who should be alive, will be left alive and the ones who should be dead, will be killed today" I can't believe it. My own heroine is agreeing with this.

"How can you agree on this?!" I am surprised.

"Why shouldn't I agree? We need to save our existence. We can't correct what happened which caused this possibility to become an actual timeline but we can change the whole thing and create another timeline to eat up this timeline. So, this timeline can't be our future" she said emotionlessly.

I am now angry. Does she not see the value of other people's lives?

"This all happened because of time travel!" I yell at her.

She looked at me.

"This was an experiment. I was not thinking it caused this problem. Minor miscalculation. Yusuke told me that it would be helpful but I believe him too much. It is not his mistake either. He just want to make me happy in every way"

Is she shifting her burden from herself to someone else?! I am a fool. How can I idolize her? This is the worst thing!

"What do you mean?! Are you shifting your burden to your boyfriend?!"

"I hope…he was," she muttered to herself.

She came back to her senses.

"How can this time travel be achieved?" Kaizo asked this question which shocked me.

I didn't think about this. How did this even happen? How we get into this timeline. Most importantly, if we time travel then shouldn't be…travel in the past? Not in any other possibility. Or…somebody had traveled before us or at the same time…when the explosion happened?

"You are correct in this, Hikari. Someone time traveled with us, but he traveled more in the past. This is how the timeline got changed" Is she agreeing with my thought that somebody changed the timeline for a different purpose?

"Let me explain how time travel even works. Time travel is full of contradictions which result in paradox situations. Let's say, if we time travel in the past to change something in the past and come back here which means that the whole timeline is changed right?"

"Yes" I nod my head.

"That's true. It is like the butterfly effect where small changes turn into bigger changes. But here the contradiction comes. What happens if I kill your grandfather?"

"Then it will cause a grandfather paradox eventually. Where if my grandfather is already dead then my father will not be born and then I will not be born which means that you will not meet me and nor you will kill my grandfather back in time which repeats this paradox" I told her.

"Smart girl. But it contradict the butterfly effect and the concept of alternate history"

This is now confusing.

"This is why. When both of these contradictions contradict each other. A new path is created in the river of time. The path which is created is coined with a term known as singularity"

"Wait?! Isn't singularity meant in a scientific way, the hole between space-time?"

"No. That's gravitational singularity. This is time singularity where a being's existence becomes something else. For instance, of course. Grandfather paradox will happen but my existence would become something else. Two possibilities will create. One where you don't exist and one where you exist. Whereas me who knows both possibilities got stuck into a different dimension which is cut off from both of the possibilities. I can get into both possibilities which is kinda possible. That dimension would be something else. That dimension is the penalty dimension because I ignored every point in the rules of time which led me there. That dimension would contain both timelines which contradict each other where I don't exist. So, in short. My past and future don't exist but only my present" she explained to me how time travel even works.

I think…she is a better explainer than Yusuke who is probably smarter than her.

"My question is…how were you able to achieve this?" Kaizo asked the question.

He didn't get the answer to his question.

Author Note!

1. Kaizo survived Brillith fire magic?! Of course, he would have. He is strong for a reason. He is like a Roman soldier who is a thug!

2. What does Aatmasat mean? It means assimilation. As Brillith becomes part of fire to explode.

3. Am I a scientist? I am sort of a scientist myself. [Bro is a cosmologist]

4. Time travel possible? Yes and no. Let's just live up to my death. We will see that. Hahahahaha!

5. Is this battle of gods? Yes, it is. It is a fantasy adventure novel, not a science-fiction novel.

6. Kaizo acts weird. [Bro might have autism]

7. Brillith loves Yusuke too much. I am making myself in this novel so handsome and intelligent! [Narcissistic universal pervert]