Showdown on the Rooftop

"AAAAAGGGHHHH!!!" The agonized cry ripped from the blonde-haired boy's lips as searing pain shot through his ear, the sensation of it being torn off nearly unbearable.

With a cruel smirk twisting his features, the short black-haired bully continued to haul him forward, his grip unrelenting as he dragged the boy towards the ominous door marked with a sign reading "Roof Access, Authorized Personnel Only."

With a brutal shove, he propelled the boy through the doorway and onto the unforgiving surface of the roof. Before he could even begin to comprehend his surroundings, another of the bully's cronies stepped forward, a menacing glint in his eye as he delivered a powerful kick to the boy's stomach, driving the air from his lungs in a gut-wrenching gasp of pain.

"UGHH," he groaned in agony as he rolled over onto his side, each movement sending fresh waves of pain coursing through his battered body. The kicks continued to rain down upon him, each blow driving him further into the unforgiving ground.

The short black-haired teen seized him by the collar, hauling him roughly to his feet with little regard for his well-being. With a brutal shove, he propelled the boy towards the edge of the parapet, the sheer drop below looming like a yawning abyss.

"What did I tell you would happen if you didn't bring my $200?" the short black-haired teen growled, his voice laced with menace as he forced the boy's head down, forcing him to gaze upon the dizzying drop below from the edge of the roof.

As they edged him closer to the precipice, the boy struggled against their grip, his muscles straining with futile resistance. But the sheer force of the short black-haired teen alone was enough to overpower him, propelling his body dangerously close to the edge.

"Good thing nobody will care if someone like you dies," the bully sneered, his voice dripping with contempt as he tilted half of the boy's body over the edge, relishing in the terror that flickered in his victim's eyes.

But before he could finish his cruel taunt, the door to the roof swung open with a creak, drawing their attention in unison. With a swift motion, the black-haired teen pulled the boy back from the brink, turning to face the unexpected intruder alongside his friends.

Standing in the doorway, a figure emerged from the shadows, playing with a small knife in his hand. It was the boy from the balcony, his expression unreadable as he stared them down with a dangerous glint in his eye.

"Who are you?" The short black-haired teen inquired, his tone tinged with curiosity but also a subtle undercurrent of hesitation, a feeling he rarely experienced. There was something about the newcomer that stirred a sense of unease within him, a primal instinct urging caution despite the apparent disadvantage in size.

He couldn't quite pinpoint the source of his apprehension—perhaps it was the malicious grin that played across the stranger's face, or the effortless ease with which he twirled the blade between his fingers. Whatever it was, every fiber of his being screamed at him to tread carefully, to approach this encounter with caution.

"Who the fuck does this bastard think he is?" One of the bullies' henchmen roared in anger, his face contorted with fury as he charged towards the newcomer with reckless abandon. With a fierce growl, he raised his arm to strike, his fist poised to deliver a punishing blow.

But before he could unleash his attack, the blonde-haired kid moved with lightning speed, his movements fluid and precise. With a deft flick of his wrist, the blade in his hand sliced effortlessly below the henchman's armpit, the sharp edge finding its mark with chilling accuracy.

"AAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!" The henchman's agonized cry pierced the air as pain exploded through his body like a searing inferno. With a gut-wrenching groan, he crumpled to the ground, clutching the wound as he writhed in agony, the intensity of the pain overwhelming his senses.

The bully and his henchmen stood frozen in shock and disbelief, their eyes wide with a mixture of fear and awe as they witnessed the swift and brutal retaliation.

"H-he actually cut him…!" one of the henchmen exclaimed in breathless surprise, his voice trembling with disbelief at the unexpected turn of events.

The bully's jaw clenched with barely contained rage as he struggled to regain his composure in the face of such unexpected defiance. With a venomous glare, he addressed the curly-haired blonde boy on the ground, his words dripping with venom.

"You're lucky today, you piece of shit," he spat, his voice laced with thinly veiled threat as he and his henchmen moved to assist their fallen comrade. With ease they lifted their friend from the ground and swiftly exited the rooftop.