In the unforgiving streets of Southern California, Sawyer Knight endures a daily struggle against relentless bullying and violence. At seventeen, with a lean frame and platinum blonde hair, he is a prime target for his school’s most vicious thugs.
Sawyer’s life takes a turn when he discovers the world of motorcycle clubs. Drawn to the freedom and brotherhood they offer, he eventually joins one and dedicates himself to them. His passion and skill quickly gain him a reputation.
But climbing the ranks of something has never been so treacherous, along each path he faces goes within and outside of the mc and betrayals from all corners testing his faith in the club. Despite this, with each challenge, Sawyer’s skills to lead himself and others shines through, but his vision extends beyond his own power….
The White Saint of the Devil is a tale in which audience will want to keep up with. Which Sawyer’s path can lead him down to either becoming the greatest leader with minimal bloodshed, or a ruthless kingpin with a graveyard of enemies behind him… or will he have a choice in his path at all?
Hello, everyone—apologies for the delay in chapter updates; I was in a motorcycle accident that kept me from creating content, but now that I’ve healed, I’ll be releasing new chapters again. This story holds deep emotional meaning for me, as I started writing it while I was riding. Though I can’t ride right now, I’m more committed than ever to seeing this story through, with much more still to come.